Any more 1999 cases left out (not even RFE)???


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My case is an EB1, ND 12/13/99, FP: 03/19/01 at VSC.
I\'ve been waiting patiently so far for my turn. But I start to wonder what happened to case as I saw more and more ND April 2000 cases got approved. Some pending 1999 cases have at least received RFE\'s. I tried to call VSC at 802-527-4913 but it is busy forever. (Redialed 50 times a day). I called my attorney\'s office and she said that they only started to receive approval for fall of 1999 cases and told me to wait longer. She said that she will call VSC to check. But what they use is the same number, so I don\'t what the chance for them to get through.

If your case is similar situation, please drop a line here with your details. Then we can discuss what we can do about it.

I notice that one applicant mentioned to call his senitor. I\'m not sure if this is useful or not. But I\'m willing to do it or get my lawyer to call him. For MA, it would be Senior Ted Kennedy, JFK\'s brother. I\'m very skeptical if he would have time, or the will, to do something for me. But... what else can we do? Please join the discussion.
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hey me too,
rd 12/99 nd 1/2000 country others EB3. no rfe or anything else.
i called this morning and thet told the person who\'s working on my case in on vacation.
funny ha,
i guess the same guy is working on your case too.
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Hi hasanali,
Did you mean that you called VSC by yourself and the IIO told you that the officer who handled your case is on vacation? That\'s an important information, most likely that all our cases are still on his/her dusted desk!
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Hi vkv,
I can\'t believe that your case is so close to mine, which makes me feel better that I\'m not along. Let\'s keep in touch. I\'ll update you if I hear anything. BY the way, are you from India? I\'m from China. Hopefully nationality is not an issue on 485.
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yes i called Vermont Center this morning at 8.00.
he told me the person who\'s responsible for your case is on vacation. and i should hear within a month.
i hope he does not have a plane crash.
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Hang in there, it\'s a matter of couple of weeks.
EB2 RIR ND:11/8/99, FP 3/8/01, 3 RFE\'s all submitted, 2 Received by INS, one pending. I estimated that they\'ll receive it next monday.
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Just now I called and talked to INS officer in VSC. And mentioned him
that my PD 4/98, ND 10/99, FP 3/01, so far have not got any news.
and other applications (like ND 4/00) have got approvals.
He said:
 "my case looked fine so far. It is under review now . Diff. officers
have diff. speed to process applications. Any days I can get result."

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Thanks for sharing the info, Hong Qiu. As one post suggested, that particular officer may be taking a long vacation and all our cases are piled up on his/her desk. let\'s give it a few more days/weeks.

Hey, how did you manage to get through that VSC hotline? I\'ve tried for a few days intensively, but no luck. I gave up.
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two ways to get INS line in VSC:
1. Early morning , before 8:00am, you dial INS and hold there (continuing palying
        around auto. messages untill 8:00am. But many people know
        this, so you have to be early to hold the line.
2. Second way, during the working hours (from 8:00 to 4:00pm), dial INS #,
        most times, it is busy, but do not give up, continue redial,
              until you get through. You can not stop and wait for a while
              Just continue dialing. At some point, other people finish
              their talking, you get it.
              This way takes not much time to get the line

I used the first way before. But since most people use this way, you have to
dial very early and wait for a long time.
Now I use second way. At last I am always successful in less than 10 mins

Good luck
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Did all RFE\'s were sent to you directly from INS


You received through yr lawyer .

Please post yr ansere if you can .
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Shama Jahan, one RFE was sent to the lawyer directly by the INS, while the other to me by INS. Mine was about emp. letter, etc.
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Yes, Hong Qiu I agree with you. One of the replies to posting I was making a comment that while INS has a criteria for EB1, EB2 and EB3, however when it comes to processing them, they put all of them in one big pot for processing.

I being on EB2, don\'t feel any different than EB3.
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gv1 are you EB1, 2 or 3.

I think we should have come here on religious grounds, their priority dates are always current, and they get GC much faster than us.

Religious leaders don\'t even need higher educations!!

ha ha ha
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Hi Shef,
You are not alone. I\'m from China too. Thanks for sharing your info. Keep in touch.