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Any interview experience in Brussels?


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Did anyone have experience having interview in Brussels? Or is anyone's interview going to be in Brussels?

uh I think not that many at all - EU citizens are not gonna fulfill their quota for GC this year I'm shure ;I can see that even in my country only maybe 50% of those who got 1st NL sent back documents for futher proceeding (and we are not even in the EU) so Belgians would probably "fail" even more than 70% to participate in the proces -You will be "alone "pretty much:cool:which is not that bad -they would aprove you even of you miss some doculmentas which would for example disqulify someone from say IRAN
I suspect it should be about the same as in Amsterdam, in which case it should be quick and straight forward considering that the embassy/consulate is quite empty. Give documents, pay fees, swear that you filled out the forms to the best of your knowledge and you're pretty much done.

You'll be out of there in no time.

How do you know 50% of European didn't answer the 1st NL? :confused: Is it due to the present economical differences between EU and USA?

uh I think not that many at all - EU citizens are not gonna fulfill their quota for GC this year I'm shure ;I can see that even in my country only maybe 50% of those who got 1st NL sent back documents for futher proceeding (and we are not even in the EU) so Belgians would probably "fail" even more than 70% to participate in the proces -You will be "alone "pretty much:cool:which is not that bad -they would aprove you even of you miss some doculmentas which would for example disqulify someone from say IRAN

Thanks for your reply! what a coincidence! I am from Iran and I live in Belgium;)
but I think anyway I should be prepared and have all the required documents.
GREAT -did not mean to ofend you -WISH YOU BEST OF LUCK--its just that reading all this posts I figure out that it way easiers to pass GC CP in EUROPE than say in TURKEY ;about economic difference -I noticed that about that number fails to show up in the USA embassy in my country (50-60%)-I spoke with the staff (domestic stuff that is and also my first cousin worked in the US embassy for 15 years at the cosnsular office) at the US embassy -they confirmed that in the last years "business is very slow " less and less people aplaying for any kind of visa for US (mostly it looks like familiy members do but ONLY FOR TOURIST VISA -they don't actualy move to US permanently ) also JOB BASED GC are practicly counted on fingers of ONE HAND (this is their expression );most of the counters in the embassy in my home town are borded up (closed) and the stuff is mostly idle drinking coffee and chating -they are VERY SLOW -there is no sence of rush or hurry -now economic situation in my country is BAD and in front of EU EMBASSIES(UK/FRANCE /GERMANY /AUSTRIA ) its ABOLUTE MAYHEM -you need to call 2-3 MONTHS JUST to make apointment !!! just to tell you what you need for visa (even tourist one!!) yet here in the US embassy you can call and say I prefer tuesday rather than friday and also say next week and the AGREE !!on what ever ;Same thing with the DV LOTERY -people in my country are not rich so they think OK I got it but maybe when I go to US embassy they take my money and they dont give me a visa (775 dollars is too much money ) -so they dont trust Americans (in my home town US embasy is set a fire twice in last 7-8 years by the mob of demonstrators );also they think economy is bad so it would be hard to find job etc -so even if they win and say they have family they wont go ; I checked all the forums about GC in my country (both of them ) and I counted only about 14 people who won this years lottery -and even out of that number few are already saying they would not go ;now I know that not everyone goes to forums to chat about hat so I calculated that number by X20 so I have number of about 300 pople max who would maybe go -now in my country 655 people got their first NL in MAY ; spoke with the stuff at the embassy and they told me less than 200 people max came FOR DV VISA 2007 that is failure of 60% for last year !!
But, what could be the reason then? If people are refusing this opportunity now, why others didn't do it in the past? In Europe, in many countries, fees are affordable, and I don't belive people are refusing that for those fees. I think in Europe now they are refusing that for the economical problems all the world is suffering. It's not good time to do so big change, and people don't dare to try it.

By the way, what zone are you talking about?
oh actualy this is good now -in the years 98/99 /2000/2001 it was just maybe 20% who used the oportunity to go -then it was period of surge for 2002/2003 /2004 but now is falling again for the last 4 YEARS ; reason is that my country was bombed by USA in 99 so then nobody wanted to go -in percentage (based on population)my contry should give at least 1000+immigrants every year but actualy its only 200 immigrants now -maybe few dozens more or less ;now the reason is that economy in the USA is not good and also again political relation with US is very bad (again ) right now -there is A LOT ANTI USA propaganda here -If there is a problem in the country people go straight for US embassy to destroy it (literaly) -last time they actualy broke into the compaund and set it on fire from inside (I dont think that happened anywhere in the world )so embassy looks like a bunker -which is clear sign that something is not right -security personel inside is very edgy like they expect showdown any minute ; so Its kind of unnerving just to pass that place let alone to go inside -it was one period when bunch of lunatics was demonstrating in front of it day and night -not your average demonstrators but beefy guys with beards till their weists just getting drunk and waiting for the first oportunity to storm the building ;scary all together -so at the end maybe 5-10 people max got to US embassy on any given day -as I mentioned its strange that you dont see much people in front of it like in front some other embassies where there is people camping from early hours ; my zone is Balkan(Serbia by the way ) ;
I'm sorry. It's a pitty because wars and this kind of propaganda are made by powerfull people, and poor are who fight there (even after war is finished). I can understand people of your country don't like to go to the States, but I don't think destroy the embassy is the solution :S. I wish you will be able to go out of there if you want go out of there ;)
I had mine in Brussels. All u need to do is;; depending on ur cn if ur current call them and make appointment for fingerprint which u gonna send to ur home country:for interview, get ur doks ready and answer few questions based on ur doks

good luck

Thanks for your reply! oh..I didn't know we need to have finger prints and send them to my home country??!!!! and why do I need to make appointment??? ...I thought they are informed by KCC that we have interview there..