Any input, please !! I am darn desparate

Re: Re: hi folks ....

Originally posted by dandaa

DSATISH , You are becoming too arrogant. Learn to restrain yourself when giving suggestions. The idea is to be positive and helpful and not boorish as you sound........... This is not Telegu Land and you are not Chandrababu............

Hi dandaa,
First learn basics here. Look at your date of registration and mine. You are obviously one of the fake guys here. Some existing user having (and using) multiple usernames. I don't do that. I am not here for fun. Why do you make personal comments ? Do you think my posting is more harsh than WEST MINISTER. If i am not wrong, you and WEST MINISTER are one and same and your outburst against my posting is due to your personal animosity to me for what ever reason. This was clear to me when you (in the name of WEST MINISTER) used the word ****shit repeatedly in all your postings even though i gave a restrained reply. I have a fair idea of who you might be (definitely not waytoolong), but i will leave it there.
The most unfortunate thing about this forum is that anybody can have 100 user names and some people use that facility to settle personal scores. I wish the moderators / administrators will some day link the user name with ip-address.
Re: Re: Re: hi folks ....

There you go again. Not only are you boorish, but less inteliigent too. Using fake names to answer someone like you is not my idea. I just find that you seem to think you are the king around here and seem to act so. What Basics are you talking about..... As I said before, this is not Telegu Land. Learn to behave appropriately and not what you learned in Telegu land.....

Originally posted by dsatish
Hi dandaa,
First learn basics here. Look at your date of registration and mine. You are obviously one of the fake guys here. Some existing user having (and using) multiple usernames. I don't do that. I am not here for fun. Why do you make personal comments ? Do you think my posting is more harsh than WEST MINISTER. If i am not wrong, you and WEST MINISTER are one and same and your outburst against my posting is due to your personal animosity to me for what ever reason. This was clear to me when you (in the name of WEST MINISTER) used the word ****shit repeatedly in all your postings even though i gave a restrained reply. I have a fair idea of who you might be (definitely not waytoolong), but i will leave it there.
The most unfortunate thing about this forum is that anybody can have 100 user names and some people use that facility to settle personal scores. I wish the moderators / administrators will some day link the user name with ip-address.
Re: hi folks ....

Originally posted by AnuD
Hi folks,

Thanks a lot for all these discussions - I really appreciate it.
In fact, I have been going through all these points in my mind for last ten months.

Coming to my point, what I would really invite from all of you is what happens to GC, what is abondoned GC, what it means, what are minus points of it and how not to abondon GC.

venky73 asked where I am - well, I am in MA. I am in database, ERP. Will appreciate any leads for projects/openings/jobs ...

And once again, thanks a lot to all of you, folks.


I guesss based on your job skills, you should be getting atleast few interview calls. If you spent some time you can turn those calls into your side. some tips are like....cleanup/delete your resume postings in all web sites and make a fresh copy of text resume and make some changes in your contact info i.e name, new e-mail address and contact phone. Increase your sal rate. Have a Caller ID in your home. More importantly answer all calls based on their requirements. Do not send your resume to desi middle fellows. You can see +ve results in few days. IT IS DONE DEAL.

These are only few tips for success. I don't know whether you implemented or not.

If you decided to go back, contact your attorney for legal advise.

all the best.
And you tried to figure out (from the signature list) who this boorish, less intelligent fellow is ?? If any one has doubted my earlier posting (that this dandaa is a fake guy with some special animosity against me), then it would have been clear by now.

I think I just confused you by using the word "abandoned GC". My mistake!

All I was trying to tell you in my earlier post is that you should use your AP to leave the country to avoid problems with your 485. Since you have renewed your AP you should be okay.

By the way, I can forward your resume if you private message it to me.

It is a distressing time now and I have a friend who just got into a job after 2 years wait. So I know how you feel.
Re: Re: Re: hi folks ....

Originally posted by dsatish
Hi dandaa,
First learn basics here. Look at your date of registration and mine. You are obviously one of the fake guys here. Some existing user having (and using) multiple usernames. I don't do that. I am not here for fun. Why do you make personal comments ? Do you think my posting is more harsh than WEST MINISTER. If i am not wrong, you and WEST MINISTER are one and same and your outburst against my posting is due to your personal animosity to me for what ever reason. This was clear to me when you (in the name of WEST MINISTER) used the word ****shit repeatedly in all your postings even though i gave a restrained reply. I have a fair idea of who you might be (definitely not waytoolong), but i will leave it there.
The most unfortunate thing about this forum is that anybody can have 100 user names and some people use that facility to settle personal scores. I wish the moderators / administrators will some day link the user name with ip-address.

see how much you understand from my postings.

I do not see any basics in your postings.
your falseful statements not reflecting your seniorty anymore. you are tired of postings and running out of patients.
Do apply zandu balm to your fore-head.:p
dandaa = WEST MINISTER = 1amShantanuB . I guess he has one more popular user name (with lot of postings), but i am not 100% sure of it yet. Enjoy 1amShantanu, i do not mind if you want to have some fun at me. Have a good time.
Originally posted by WEST MINISTER
you must seriously consider your early retirement.:D
Is that the reason, why you sent me a private message, asking me to goto Inidia (gave me contact info of moving to India forums )? :D
Jokes apart you have worked hard and done a lot for us. I sincerely appreciate that, but please do not use your posts to humiliate and turn down ideas. If you do so, then state reasons politely without offending others. Leaders are not just visionaries but someone who can lead others to their vision.

Originally posted by dsatish
bear with me till 9/19 and your wish will be fulfilled :)
Originally posted by dandaa
please do not use your posts to humiliate and turn down ideas. If you do so, then state reasons politely without offending others.
Why don't you quote where i have done the mistake ? Pleaselet me know where did i humiliate others (without their provocation) and also quote me where did i turn down others ideas without explanation ? If there is something that i missed to see but every one else saw, i definitely want to correct myself. The problem comes when people call me names without quoting my remarks.
If you are talking about my replies to Cinta, then i request you to read my posting and his postings. You will understand who made personal comments. I have used polite language while presenting my disagreement with his ideas. The problem once again is some people can't take criticism in any language and they hit back with personal comments. I have posted 750 + postings in this forum in the last 6 months. Please take your own time and get back to me with a single instance where i have provoked the other person without being provoked. But before quoting any of those posts, take a look at the whole picture and you will see that i am not the one who started any dirt.
Cool it Guys ...

Off late, this forum is being used outside the purpose and has been made a battle ground to prove themselves superior to others. As an example just count the replies to the original posting in this thread. I hardly see any that are helping the person asking for an opinion.

If you guys would like to fight, go and fight at some other place. I am sure there would be many places on the net that would entertain such complex arguments.

Do not drive the people away from this forum as when some one visits this forum they are coming here on a purpose ( either to ask a question or to find an answer). They do not have to go thru the torture of reading a zillion worth less postings in order to get two lines of answer.

Moderators/operations, are you listening.
Let's get Serious

The problem will not be solved unless moderators step in and warn those people who are posting offensive posts and going for personal attacks. In the absence of moderators interference, we are forced to reply to the offesive postings and there comes some of the fights.