Any idea when NSC processing times will be updated


Registered Users (C)
Usually NSC tells AILA, and then they distribute that info to all the immigration lawyers.
Any idea when NSC update will come online?
Has anyone seen new dates for NSC on any other websites?
Does NSC/BCIS releases that information online on BCIS website?

"Usually NSC tells AILA, and then they distribute that info to all the immigration lawyers."

Isn't it funny though that they should be providing this information to AILA. The INS brass seem to believe that all filers have a lawyer. Even though the INS is a government agency run with tax-payer money, it seems to be engaging in an information dribble out practice for the select audience of a few privileged lawyers. The fact that AILA's members in turn put it on their websites does not really matter here. They do it for their own benefit, i.e., attract internet traffic and more business.

It would be interesting to hear as to why the INS, which has its own website, follows this intriguing non-transparent practice. I could never fully explain to myself the unholy nexus between the AILA and the INS. I understand AILA's interest in furthering this alliance, but how does the agency justify it?

No wonder immigration lawyers never seem to put any pressure on the INS to perform. Come to think of it, many of them just brush you off whenever you inquire on the status of your file, a behavior rather uncharacteristic of someone who is paid to do that job.