Any idea CSC second half July waiters?

still waiting RD: 7/31, ND: 9/10, WAC: 01-277-xxxxx

My strategy is to wait till the end of May before starting to panic....
Think about the numbers. The INS gets over 60,000 485 applications every month.
Last July was a notoriously heavy month, what with all EB3\'s getting current.

Based on these numbers, approximately 0.1% of all CSC applications are tracked on this website.
(It is monday morning and my math skills are not at their sharpest yet!).
While this sampling gives us a ballpark estimate of which applications the INS is currently processing, it is certainly not conclusive.

My personal conclusion (perhaps in an ongoing effort to maintain my sanity) is that the INS processes over 3 months\' worth of applications at any given time.

more than 90 percent of the people on this board are India and china people. Also most of them are Employment based.

Now INS as a whole approves approx 60,000 Employment based cases for India and China. So if we distribute them and say 30 percent is in CSC the number would come to 18,000 cases . Also if we divide them equally into months we would come to 1,500 cases. we get 50 -80 cases on an average per month in pcee list. so we get 5 percent approx cases.

Now I hope other readers come out with different numbers and we have a nice discussion on this topic.
Maybe its according to FP received date !!!

I saw a post last week stating that IIO said cases with FP received in Jan were being processed currently. I know people with FP done before Jan exist but wondering if the IIO really gave some clues.
FP date does not seem to be the criteria

There are many folks with Nov/Dec FPs still waiting, whereas many with Feb FP have got approved.

Stats on Cases RD 07.01.01 to 07.14.01 pcee July Spreadsheet

Total cases = 77
Not Approved: 15 ( 19%) --Including RFE
Approved: 62 (81%)

Good Point n2201

However, there were very few cases with PD 01 who applied in July 2001 for I485. This is because very few could apply for Labor in Jan 2001 or later and have the I140 cleared by June-July 2001. Therefore most applicants in July were old PD guys waiting for visa dates to be current.
This is my guess. I welcome any thoughts and opposing ideas.

one of the July half victim... don\'t get it, how INS is approving cases with WAC-285-297 ignoring the earlier WAC numbers. If you think they are going PD, mine is 06/1999 and EB2... I just feel there is no criteria that is followed here...
Can we as a group of second half of July waiters...

ping CSC, let them know that we are waiting??? Just a thought...
Can we do that??

It would be nice if we could do something to find out why 270-279 wac\'s are not getting approvals..looks like the\'ve skipped this section altogether. I am seeing lot of 280 and 290\'s being approved lately..

Case not assigned. RD - 07/25/01 ND - 09/08/01 WAC-01-276-xxxxx

Hello Folks,
First of all.. very sorry to use this forum for anything other than approvals. AVM updated to FP reviews recieved on 01/12/02. I called IIO on 04/08/02 and was told that case is not assigned to an officer. Getting frustrating because she told me that everything was in order. What should I do? Will sending an Inquiry help, which I did send in yesterday? Any theories as to what is holding this up? Didnt change addresses or jobs.
Thank you very much.