Any Guess!

Sep 23

Registered Users (C)
I did the FP in 11/03, RD/ND 09/02, do you guys predict any activity in my case in foreseeable future?

Tired of waiting, started GC in 1998, stuck in one place since then.

You will very soon get approved...the way things are going now...All INS care for is whether FP is completed.. :rolleyes:
Are you being sarcastic or I should really expect my approval any time?

Thank you
I dont think anyone will be sarcastic..

I believe they r processing based on FP ur # will come soon..

Everyone is stuck just be patient..


Mad Par,

Thank you. We all have no choice but be patient. What can we do even if we become impatient, other than hurt ourselves? Right?

God bless us.
yes a lot applicants with RD/ND between Feb 2002 to July 2002 who have done their FP are getting approved. Most of these people were FPed last year. Your turn should be coming soon.
There are however a lot of applicants with no FP between those dates...they have been forgotten. (I'm one of them)
I'm guessing the only choice for the ones who don't have an FP is to wait until the processing date passes them and then start an inquery.