Any friend need Gmail ?

Yes Any one needs gmail address please send email address , I have some spare gmail account that gmail offer me ...
What's gmail!?

Well, I guess I don't want what I don't know anything about yet. But I would like to know what gmail is, just curious!
hanging in here said:
Well, I guess I don't want what I don't know anything about yet. But I would like to know what gmail is, just curious!

Its 1-2 GB email account like hotmail, from Google. check it out

and its fast, 10Mb file attachmen++

Hurry up don't 'hanging here and there , Hanging with Gamil :D

Good Luck
hanging in here said:
Well, I guess I don't want what I don't know anything about yet. But I would like to know what gmail is, just curious!


Sorry I do not know what this is either?

Ok just seen your posting

I thought we were all invited to your pad to celebrate your green card!

Regards Sue
susan ward said:

Sorry I do not know what this is either?

Regards Sue

Glad to hear from u , :D any progress in your son case?

Gmail is email account with 1-2Gb size of email box from google.

check it out
Hi Poj

Ref my son. I 824 Follow to join approved 11th Aug 2004

I now have confirmation that neither the London consulate nor NVC have any records on my son's case !!!!!!!!!!!!!

So it appears its back onto Texas.

Have faxed letter to state above and request that they re-send the approval to London for the second time!!!!!!!!!!!!

Am giving them 3 weeks then lawyer will need to put them straight

My own I 485 case was received 14th Aug 2003 so I guess you and me may be approved around the same time

Regards Sue
satgym73 said:
hi princeofjungle :)

i need gmail account. can you please send me the invitation to


sent invitation,

if u haven't received plz let me know, and check mail filtter if it is not blocking gmail, hotmail does when it is set 'Exclusive' junk mail protection. use low junk mail protection. than I would send it again.

Good LUck