any FP notices for april filers ?

hi, our FP might be coming soon

saw some July 485 filers got receipts, so mailroom can put some
resource on sending out our FP.

want to see who will be the first Late April/May filer gets FP .
No Title

I agree that VSC can not handle two jobs at a time. And they are poor in coordinating the things. I have this experience since processing of 140. They do not start working on an issue unless it reaches to the fire fighting stage.

I see your point that they will delay the FP notices because they are concentrating on issuing receipts. What I was trying to say that since they are less on manpower, they can not completely get rid of the receipt delay issue. And they have to distribute their manpower in such a way that FP does not reach the fire fighting stage.
485 Sufferer, I think you are still not quite clear about my point.

My point is : the people who will send out our FP and the people who
will adjudicate our 485/140/AP/EAD are totally different two different groups of people, the former one is contractor workers, the latter
one is full-time INS employee( enjoy all holidays, vacations , sick
days, personal leaves ) , the former is hourly paid or maybe casely
paid( like if they process 1000 receipts in one month, they got XXX
dollar ), the former group most likely can get overtime pay, so they
can run like clock 24 hours, that\'s why once new mailroom contractor
took over, we\'ve seen the very fast speed to get 485 receipts(mine
was taking 2.5 months while the guys filed one month after me got it
in 1.5 months) , so it\'s not hard to predict they will clear out
mail receipts mess very soon then start working on their FP task which
they delayed for a while.

that\'s my point.
Waiting for Wife\'s FP/ EAD approval

I got my 485 approved in July 2001. filed my wife\'s 485 in april. For my wife\'s case RD: April 17,2001 ND : June 29, 2001
wiaitng for her FP / EAD approval

anybody with similar RD/ND got FP or EAD approval ????
just spoke to iio.

  i just spoke to an iio.she told me that last time they issued fp notices is on july18th01 to march01 filers.she said she have no idea(she even consulted the supervisor) when they r going to issue notices to april filers.she asked me to wait until october.

so anyone got similar answer?any insights on this?please respond.
when can we expect the fp notice?
I\'m still waiting for my FP, but.....

My job at my present client is over (I am with some consulting company) and my employer told me that I can work on my EAD for any company for full time basis and my present company keep my EAD active. But I didn\'t complete my 180 days with my present company. Can I change the job as my employer said? Is that possible? Right now I\'m on "Leave of Absence".

Please advise ASAP

EB2 RIR RD: 4/25/01 ND: 07/11/01 got my EAD and wating for FP
Waiting for FP

RD: 4/30/01
ND: 7/14/01
Received AP and EAD
Waiting for FP
Any idea what is the current FP status and when will I receive FP notice?
Thanks, Ram