Any FP experience in Wheaton, MD ?


Registered Users (C)
Please let me know what I need to take with me. Should driver\'s license, passport, EAD card be sufficient? There is some mention about State ID in the FP notice. Is it necessary to take one ? I don\'t have any.

(RD:09/24 ND:11/16)
correct your english before even passing on such comments...

Everyone here can read and write English unlike you. It is just that this site is for discussion. If everyone goes after what INS says and sends us and patiently waits, there is no need to have a site like this..
Anybody did FP earlier at Baltimore

Hi All,

I dont have a MD state ID as I travel from maryland on projects to other places. So never took MD license. Also need to do FP one week in advance. How to go about it.
I went for FP at Wheaton, INS Glenmont last week....

Map your directions before you go as it is in a shopping complex.....
Take your FP notice(original as it is barcoded), driver\'s license or
passport in case you don\'t drive or EAD for photo identification.....

It takes 10 minutes for the whole process.....