Any February 2011 I-130/I-485 filer yet?. . .let's track progress.

Hi All,
I have a question about the Affidavit of Support. Proof of the previous years taxes is required. Do I have to submit the entire filing or just the 1040 and my W2? I have a lot of extra documents that went with my filing because I had a company make them (complexities from when I lived in Belgium) so I wasn't sure if I had to include them too.

If anyone has any thoughts just let me know. Thanks a lot!
@immig4us - You can take all the photos. Mine was a similar case, though my wedding in the USA was a real simple affair with no fanfare. The interviewer seemed more interested in the pictures from the traditional than the American one :D
He even kept a few copies for the file which will be buried somewhere in Kentucky for eternity (according to him).

Thanks a lot for your reply, induz...I will definitely take photos of all the occasions/celebrations we had. Since your case similar to mine, I have one question for you, when we got married back home we didnt had any legal paperwork over there, besides tons of photos and videos , will IO ask any marriage certificate or anything like that?.we did our legal ceremony when we came back with the court house for which we have marriage certificate.

Another question in IL I saw was bit confused:
"All documentation estabilishing your eligibility for Lawful Permanent resident status?" Does that mean all forms like I-485, I-130 etc., (anyhow I will be carrying all that, just making sure what exactly that means)

Thanks a lot!!!
@ctraquair - congrats and thank you for the great interview description. It really helps to read about great experiences, gives me hope. Hopefully I will get a nice IO as well. Have fun celebrating. We have 4 days left until the interview and I'm actually calmer than I was in the beginning.

Thank you February Thread for all the support, for everyone thats has their on waits for their interview letter. GOOD LUCK.
Thanks a lot for your reply, induz...I will definitely take photos of all the occasions/celebrations we had. Since your case similar to mine, I have one question for you, when we got married back home we didnt had any legal paperwork over there, besides tons of photos and videos , will IO ask any marriage certificate or anything like that?.we did our legal ceremony when we came back with the court house for which we have marriage certificate.

Another question in IL I saw was bit confused:
"All documentation estabilishing your eligibility for Lawful Permanent resident status?" Does that mean all forms like I-485, I-130 etc., (anyhow I will be carrying all that, just making sure what exactly that means)

Thanks a lot!!!

What that means is your I-94, your current visa, etc... Remember if you entered the country illegally (not saying you did but that's one of the options people take), then you cannot adjust your status here. If you entered legally and was inspected by an immigrations officer then you can adjust your status. There are some other exceptions I can't remember now but that's the gist of it. So of course bring your application forms but also bring all your other immigration documents to show how you've gotten here in the first place.
Hey guys...

just a quick update, its been 3 days since the interview & I have not heard anything yet.

Am trying to keep my nerves calm and stay positive :)

ctraquair - congratulations buddy :D that is great news!!!!! I am so happy for you & your family!!!!!

I will surely keep checking & keep you guys posted of whatever shows in the mail (e or postal)

We leave for Houston tomorrow & then fly to India the day after so, am trying my best not to let anything dampen my hubby's excitement about the trip....

So now that I think about it, I think I assigned myself as the agent during the application in the beginning of the process (if that is possible). They may have sent me this email again as a standard part of the process, but there wasn't actually a form for me to fill out.

Then I got the email about the fee. I paid it and now it shows paid. Check back often because mine only processed in a day or two.

I'm in the same boat as you for the i864. I'm just waiting for something for my 2010 taxes and then I will send in the form...hopefully Friday or Monday the latest. I have the rest of the form filled out ready and waiting. Are you including transcripts from 2009 and 2008 as well?

I guess after that we'll see what the next step is. I'm not sure how soon after the i864 we can expect an interview (if that is the next step). My husband is in Belgium so he will have his interview at the US Embassy there.

Best of luck!

Same here really. I did see the paid status in just 2 days. I will send in the 2010 tax transcript if it arrives by monday otherwise I will send the 2010 1040 form but I am not sure about the other forms that went with it. I will update you on monday in regards to that. It seems we are keeping the same pace so far.

I think the biometrics comes sometime either before or after the interbiew is set up, just not sure yet.
I had my interview in Atlanta today, June 16th....heres how it went,

Interview was set for 1.45pm and i arrived at the center around 1.30pm. Checked in to first floor and was given a reciept number to take to the 3rd floor of the USCIS building. I had read previously from many cases that they entered the waiting room and were usually waiting alone or with one or two other couples. Shocker...the waiting room was full, about 100 people :eek: i started to get a little nervous as up until that point i wasnt the slightest bit worried. It started to get worse when an interviewing officer came out and started rasing his voice in the waiting room and warning people about being loud and to move to the other side of the room if using cell phone. There were a few intimidating IO's prior to us getting called and it was looking bleak..then i hear my number..a nice little older man, soft spoken, friendly and talked from the moment we went up to him! "Hello, how are you guys, follow me"..i thought..brilliant!! Ive struck lucky today lol,

We went back to his office and he made us feel very welcome! Was very quick at going through each step after swearing us in and never once did we feel pressured or stuck for answers. Asked us the basic questions from my application and then how we met! He never hung around on answers, accepted what we said and moved on and never tried to catch us out! Within a few mins of covering the basics of the application he asked for our photos and support documents. We had 4 photos, and 7 printouts from facebook photos! He said he didnt want to take our actual photos and said the print outs were fine, again im thinking..thats very nice. He then took our bills and said..."thats fine, thats enough"..all i gave was water bill, car insurance, power bill, rental agreement! He said thats plenty but did say that when removing conditions it would be best to not leave anything for question and make sure we have joint account in our name as it will prevent any future visits or questions. He then printed out 2 peices of paper, made me and my wife sign them and explained what each piece of paper meant..once was about my greencard being approved and i think the other is just a statement regarding the whole situation...formalities really! He said :thats it, guys..listen to your wife and behave..we had a little laugh, and remove the conditions on time and youll be set and have no issues. We shook his hand, thanked him and walked out thinking..that might have been the nicest, easiest situation ive ever had the pleasure to be involved in ;););)

Absolutely delighted at how easy it was!

Received the texts and emails on the way home saying card has been ordered, should receive within 3 weeks!

Good luck to all still waiting, thanks for all the help we have received/been involved in as a group on here. I look forward to working with you guys again in 2 years time

Woooooohooooooooooo :cool:

Congratulations ctraquiar!!! :)
Thanks Staticfade56 :D We still haven't received any notifications as yet. I'll just continue to get and fill out the I-864, DS-3032 form etc. I am so excited and anxious! We get to be a family again :)
Thanks Staticfade56 :D We still haven't received any notifications as yet. I'll just continue to get and fill out the I-864, DS-3032 form etc. I am so excited and anxious! We get to be a family again :)

Grats Melz400!! Seems You, Me and Staticfade56 are all on the same pace. Good Luck to All of US :)
Hey guys...

just a quick update, its been 3 days since the interview & I have not heard anything yet.

Am trying to keep my nerves calm and stay positive :)

Just hang in there Noella, I think you got approved and you will get the welcome letter soon. I never received emails or text and got the welcome letter 6 days after the interview. You will get your GC soon.

Critiquair-Congrats buddy
Hey All,

I asked last week about the following and did not get any replies so I will ask again just in case we missed it:

I was asking in reply to Noella talking about documents original and copies if it makes sense that when we send in the form 230 to NVC, they want all original birth and marriage certf not sur eif they need translation or not....but I am thinking about if they get lost. NVC says no they have never have gotten lost but fact is they are being sent from Asia to USA and reviewed then sent back to the embassy in Asia for the interview. They could get misplaced and they would be our only orginals.

Any ideas on this shipping of important original documents such as birth and marriage certf? I dont understand why copies would not due for NVC if it was good for USCIS and the Embassy still gets them later anyway from NVC...why not just have us bring them in? Thats our government for

If and when we get an Interview I was also thinking about 2 important questions based on all of you posting on that topic.

Do we really need photos? We have none of a wedding as we only did a paper document filing and have only maybe a dozen in general because we are not big on photos. Is this going to be a problem?

Also, I hear most of you talk about going to interview together and being asked questions seperate by the IO. Well its my understanding she will need to interview alone and even if I fly there to the interview at the embassy they will not let me in. Does that make sense or am I wrong?

Sorry for the several questions but its all been burning on my mind.

Thanks in advance for your replies :)
Hey All,

I asked last week about the following and did not get any replies so I will ask again just in case we missed it:

I was asking in reply to Noella talking about documents original and copies if it makes sense that when we send in the form 230 to NVC, they want all original birth and marriage certf not sur eif they need translation or not....but I am thinking about if they get lost. NVC says no they have never have gotten lost but fact is they are being sent from Asia to USA and reviewed then sent back to the embassy in Asia for the interview. They could get misplaced and they would be our only orginals.

Any ideas on this shipping of important original documents such as birth and marriage certf? I dont understand why copies would not due for NVC if it was good for USCIS and the Embassy still gets them later anyway from NVC...why not just have us bring them in? Thats our government for

If and when we get an Interview I was also thinking about 2 important questions based on all of you posting on that topic.

Do we really need photos? We have none of a wedding as we only did a paper document filing and have only maybe a dozen in general because we are not big on photos. Is this going to be a problem?

Also, I hear most of you talk about going to interview together and being asked questions seperate by the IO. Well its my understanding she will need to interview alone and even if I fly there to the interview at the embassy they will not let me in. Does that make sense or am I wrong?

Sorry for the several questions but its all been burning on my mind.

Thanks in advance for your replies :)


I am not sure about the logistics about how the government handles shipping of important documents, but if they ask for something we don't have much choice than sending it to them. After all we are the ones seeking immigration 'benefits' :)

Regarding the photos - take or send whatever you have. As long as you have a solid case, there is nothing to worry about. But not having any pictures of the wedding, that might raise an eyebrow with the IO but make sure you can explain it as much as you can. Also, it might be possible to have your interview together. I am hoping someone who has done this before can answer it better than any of us on this thread.

Congrats on the approval. Nice to hear more good news on this thread. Hope you celebrated the success :)
Thanks pal!

I am worried, but holding on and keeping the faith!

Have not heard on mail/text or online about any changes to the case so I guess just praying to God that we get through this one too...

Its been a long journey....looking for the light at the end of this tunnel now ;)

Noella I have been watching your timeline since ours are so close (you filed a day earlier than I). Just hang in there a bit more.

From everything I've heard, your wife will interview by herself in her country. It will be the same for my husband - interview alone in his country of residence at the US Embassy.
I'm guessing that they are better off interviewing by themselves because I heard the interviews with two people together is much more complicated. I heard that it can leave more room for error between the two of you (depending on how you answer questions, etc) if you interview together. I used a lawyer in the beginning of my filing because it was included in my benefits at work. I will send him a follow up note now that I'm at this new point and see if he has any advice.

I'm going to send my papers in on Monday as well for the I-864. Hopefully the next step after that doesn't take too long.


From everything I've heard, your wife will interview by herself in her country. It will be the same for my husband - interview alone in his country of residence at the US Embassy.
I'm guessing that they are better off interviewing by themselves because I heard the interviews with two people together is much more complicated. I heard that it can leave more room for error between the two of you (depending on how you answer questions, etc) if you interview together. I used a lawyer in the beginning of my filing because it was included in my benefits at work. I will send him a follow up note now that I'm at this new point and see if he has any advice.

I'm going to send my papers in on Monday as well for the I-864. Hopefully the next step after that doesn't take too long.



I agree, I have heard the same thing in regards to an interview. Very nice to have that benefit from your job tho. Lastly, I will be also sending out my 864 pack on monday and awaiting further info from NVC :)
@ Noella

Congratulations on your interview even though you have to wait this long to know the outcome. The waiting is unfortunate as you did pretty well for the interview. As others said, you can only wait, watch and pray and everything will turn out just fine. To me, i have no doubt in my mind that you will be approved and get your GC. Have a safe journey when you travel to india.


Congratulations buddy. It is really a good feeling to know you are done with this for atleast 2 years. Congratulations and enjoy the moment.
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Hey guys,

So tomorrow is our big day, finally. I feel pretty confident, got all the docs, copies, pictures etc. ready. If you guys could say a quick prayer for us, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you guys.