Any EB3 with current PD waiting from NSC?

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Mine is EB3 India, PD 1/23/98, RD/8/12/99, ND 10/4/99, FP 6/23/00. Still waiting, No RFE, no news so far...
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Yesterday I talked with II. I asked her that I would like to know the status of my case. She replied, let me check where it is sitting. She said, your case on the shelf. We are out of VISA number of the current year. May be it will take 2 more years before we start processing this case.

My details : EB3 , INDIA, ID:11/97 ID:08/99 ND:10/99 ID:6/00

This is first time I called II since I filed my 485 pap. It seems like IIOs don\'t want you to call again regarding your case or they do not have the same information about the current processing time.
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I am wondering how does msg posting works on this site. It changed most of the spells like the dates (ND, RD, PD) changed to ID and IIO changed to II etc..