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Any DV 2005 waiting for AOS interview?

Dear all,

Thank you very much for the kind words!

Hi Maja,

I am so glad to hear from you and especially the fact that you are directly in touch with a CIS supervisor - like Nora says, it is really invaluable to have his number! In my opinion, you should first find out if your file has been requested by the CIS office from KCC.
So call KCC (tel:606-526-7500) to see if your file is still with KCC. I think if your file is with KCC, you can call the supervisor and tell him that you found out from KCC that CIS should request your file. You can also mention, that KCC told you that once CIS has your file, the officer should request a visa number from the Dept of State for you.
If your file has been requested from KCC by CIS New Orleans, then maybe the supervisor should get in touch with CIS New Orleans and tell them to send your file to the Baltimore CIS, then quickly request a visa number for you. See what you can find out by just researching on your case.
Yes, it is a good idea to contact Baltimore representative, but you don't have much time to only count on this option.
Keep us posted.

Great advice! Maja, it seems you need to teach that supervisor what to do. It can be done! Keep in touch. Nora
Dear all,
your care is really touching! Thank you so much! I'd just like to share with you that Margarina sent me an e-mail a couple of weeks ago. It turned out that we are not only from the same country, but also from the same city. Since then we are constantly in touch, Margarina called me at my uncle's house and we are definitely going to meet some day. Maybe we could all do such thing, something like a DV 2005 reunion!
Anyway, in a situation like this I don't know where this optimism comes from. My husband got laid off, we have no idea what's going on with our house, where in this country we are going to live... nothing. On top of all that, this green card is of course driving me crazy. First thing I did was to call KCC and they confirmed that my file was sent to New Orleans, so I definitely know that it is stuck there. I'm going to call Baltimore suprevisor on Monday. My lawyer told me he was going to send me some kind of letter that might help, but I really don't know whom to trust anymore. I wrote a letter to the local representative but haven't heard from him yet. I'll try again everything that you guys are suggesting. Thanks again for all your advice!
I'll keep you posted.
Hey guys,
I finally got interviewed on Tuesday. Everything went smoothly, she said she was going to request a visa number for me BUT my background check is still pending. Tomorrow is the last day. I called today the Baltimore office and they told me that if I was told that everything was fine it means that I'll be OK. However, I've never heard for a case like that: interview completed, visa number requested but name check still pending even after Sept. 30. Have you ever heard about someone who got her/his green card after this date? I'll post the same question as a new thread. Any advice will help and thank you for thinking of me!
Best to all of you!
majanikol said:
Hey guys,
I finally got interviewed on Tuesday. Everything went smoothly, she said she was going to request a visa number for me BUT my background check is still pending. Tomorrow is the last day. I called today the Baltimore office and they told me that if I was told that everything was fine it means that I'll be OK. However, I've never heard for a case like that: interview completed, visa number requested but name check still pending even after Sept. 30. Have you ever heard about someone who got her/his green card after this date? I'll post the same question as a new thread. Any advice will help and thank you for thinking of me!
Best to all of you!

This is something new.
The consular actually told me that visa will be given if and only if the name check is cleared.
According to the rules, no visa will be given after sep/30.
I don't know if it is different if you are doing an AOS.
Anyway, I am waiting for your follow up.
Hi everybody,
It looks that most of us got a green card after months of frustration, anger, disbilief (name it!). I went through our thread and noticed how smiley faces pushed out angry and confussed faces away (slowly but surely). But, what really hit me is that we supported each others only couple of months and I feel like I know you for years! As far as I know (even) Maja got her GC in the last moments! So, guys, see you here in four years when we decide to apply for citizenship, by then stay safe and all the best for all of you! :) :D :cool:
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Dear all,
as Margarina has already mentioned I finally got approved!!! Believe it or not! On Sept. 29th I got the letter in which they are telling me that I did become a "lawful permanent resident". It will take between 9 and 12 monthes for me to get the green card (did anyone get such a long time?), but I was also told to come to the local office to get my passport stamped if I need it. I'll do that ASAP.
Thank you all for all your help and for all your support!
majanikol said:
Dear all,
as Margarina has already mentioned I finally got approved!!! Believe it or not! On Sept. 29th I got the letter in which they are telling me that I did become a "lawful permanent resident". It will take between 9 and 12 monthes for me to get the green card (did anyone get such a long time?), but I was also told to come to the local office to get my passport stamped if I need it. I'll do that ASAP.
Thank you all for all your help and for all your support!

How about the name check thing?
Maja, this is great! I almost lost hope. But, I am also curious. Was the unfinished FBI name check just a story? Or if it was not just a story made up by CIS, what made FBI finish it just before the deadline? And what took them so long? Nora
Dear Nora,
you are perfectlu right. I think that the FBI name check was just a good excuse for the delay in all our cases.
I'm going to the local CIS on Oct 14 to get my passport stamped and I hope that at that point I'll be perfectly calm. Of course, I ll be even better once I get my grren card.
Good luck to you and all other participants. I'll be checking our board just in case!

Congratulations. I was also following your story. Happy for you.
Baltimore gives that letter (9-12) months as a standard.
You should get your GC within a month or so.
Thank tou dv05. I'm going to Baltimore CIS on Friday to get my passport stamped. At that point I'll definitely calm down.