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Any DV 2005 waiting for AOS interview?

daughter's green card

Congrats again!!! I was just wondering what is on your daughter's green card?? Looks just like your hustband's? Your's will be in your hand shortly!! Well done!!! :)
Keep in touch! Agi
proof of being approved either

P.S. I didn't have any prood of being approved either! That was a big "problem" because everytime I called the 800 number there was nothing to go by! Just hang in there!!

Thanks for the information. I hope I get the approval letter soon...
My online status hasn't changed yet...


After seeing on the news what's left from New Orleans I was ready to cry - it is a devastating picture...I really hope you reside away from the downtown since it looks that this is the most damaged area...
Please, stay safe and keep in touch!

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Thanks Agi. The two cards look exactly alike, except that of course I think my daughter is more beautiful. Nora
Hi everybody, I got my "plastic" on Friday, and welcome letters today. So, don't be confused, they probably have bad connections. You will soon find your cards in mail. Maja, for now the best news is that you are safe. Like Sushi, I feel sick just when read what happened with all those poor people that didn't have anywhere to go. About your GC - it looks that your case is already long time in the INS and, Chicago is not under the water, so I still hope that you will have your case closed soon. Since you can't recieve mail, maybe you should call them and explain that you are not be able to be on the same address for a while. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. (you are the last one and I'm sure that everybody have hope that you'll join us soon). I think that we made nice little support group by now and, guys I don't know what I'm going to do without all of you once we all have GCs in our pockets. Maja, stay safe, and everybody please stay in touch!
Thanks Margarina, but I will believe it when I see it...

I hope to hear some news from Maja - she has to call the Customer Service number and ask them how to proceed with the whole situation in New Orleans...I really hope she gets the GC...
Hey guys,
thank you so much for your concern. It's really touching! I still have no idea of what has happened to me, but I hope I'lll stay in this state of mind!
I've just arrived to DC area and I'm planning on scheduling the Infopass for Tuesday morning. Sushi, thanks for the idea to contact Customer Service!
I'll keep you postede! In the meantine, congratulations to all of you who got rid of this weird business and good luck to all of you who are still waiting!
Hi Maja,

Great to hear form you and I'm glad you are actively following up on your case. We all hope to hear good news regarding your case.
Stay safe!


I FINALLY GOT THE WELCOME LETTER TODAY - it is true - my case is approved - I can believe it now!
I am so happy the AOS mess is over!
Thank you for your support throughout this process - I am so glad I found you, guys!

Maja (especially you Maja), Marianna, Verarose, DvWinner and all people that are still waiting:
I will pray and keep my fingers X-ed for you guys! I really, really hope you get it but please do EVERYTHING possible (such as contacting senators, congressmen, lawyers, Infopass appts, writing to the interviewing officers, etc.) to get this!

congratulation sushi

Hi sushi,

A big congratulation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I'm so happy for you, cos I've been reading your progress :)

They did cook you as for a while! Congratulations! I am happy it's over for you. I keep thinking about the rest of the group. Maja, Marianna, let us know how you are doing! Nora
Sushi, congratulation! Well done! Everybody that are still waiting - I'm crossing my fingers for all of you. Hopefully, you'll have good news, too. Keep us posted, please. Guys, stay in touch.
I had my interview yesterday ..but the news was not good ..they have not recvd the fbi clearance for me ( i assume it is name check) ... my husband's case has been cleared but since i'm the winner, he can't get his approval .. so now with 2.5 weeks left i'm at a loss as to where i shud begin to expedite the name check ..the officer was very clear in stating that she can do nothing to help us out ...

any suggestions from u guys ?
"How cute" DvWinner,
I had exactly the same case except my security check was cleared in no time but my husband hadn't been cleared for months and he was, of course, visa holder. We got BIG help from our congressman's office. Don't wait a single second to ask for help. Maybe, that could be your last chance. Please, keep us posted. Good luck!
margarina said:
"How cute" DvWinner,
I had exactly the same case except my security check was cleared in no time but my husband hadn't been cleared for months and he was, of course, visa holder. We got BIG help from our congressman's office. Don't wait a single second to ask for help. Maybe, that could be your last chance. Please, keep us posted. Good luck!

Is there anyway to get an appointment to see someone at the congressman's office ? I'm afraid I will run out of time if I send a letter and wait for them to contact me ... how did u proceed ? any advice will be appreciated ..
Hi DvWinner,
First check on http://www.congress.org/congressorg/bio/?id=20004&lvl=F and click on
Congressional directory. You should enter your zip code to find who is your representative. On their site they have all numbers you need. Call them as of tommorow morning and insist that is URGENT, (don't send letters it will take forever) and ask for immidiate appointment. Bring all your documentation (specially A#, passport numbers, SS#, letter from KCC...) with you. Good luck! Stay in touch!
Dear all (if there is someone still waiting and reading these things!),
First, big big big congratulation to you, Sushi!!!! Can you believe it???
Second, just a quick update on my case and a hope that someone might have a good advice. Well, since my interview was supposed to happened in the flooded city of New Orleans, I went to Baltimor CIS and got very encouraging info: my case was goint to be delt with ASAP, they were very nice, I was even given the supervisor's phone number, blah, blah, blah. I was about to cry of joy on my way out. However, today I called the suprevisor and he told me that he is aware of my case, but that he still didn't get any instructions about what to fo with it!!!! Back to the nightmare! And there are only 15 more days to go!
Anyway, what would you do in a case like this. I did contact both congressman and senator while I was still in New Orleans, but I just don't want to bother them again in a situation like this. The only thing that came to my mind is to contact someone from Maryland. Do you think that it would help?
Thanks a lot!

The reason I come back to this forum almost every day is to hear news from you and the rest of us still waiting. It's is invaluable having a supervisor's name and number. I would contact a Baltimore representative, they might be symphatetic with you coming from New Orleans. I don't understand what instructions the supervisor needs. The only thing he needs to do is process your case. I think calling him frequently, very politely asking about your case every day is something he will not be upset about, he knows what you went throught and that you need closure by September 30th. The point is BUG HIM. Nora