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Any Document need to send along with DSP122 and DS230 ??


Registered Users (C)
I am preparing to send my DS230 and DSP122 to KCC.
Is there any document to attach with DS form?
example...1.notification letter with barcode from KCC.?
2.copies of my education and working experience document?
3.Need to write down my case number on every paper of DS230??
4.Need cover letter??

Can u tell me all the list of document along with DS230 and DSP122 that need to send KCC ?
I am preparing to send my DS230 and DSP122 to KCC.
Is there any document to attach with DS form?
example...1.notification letter with barcode from KCC.?
2.copies of my education and working experience document?
3.Need to write down my case number on every paper of DS230??
4.Need cover letter??

Can u tell me all the list of document along with DS230 and DSP122 that need to send KCC ?

You need only the DS230, DSP122, bar code and passport pictures (US size 2"x2"). Write your case number on the top right corner of every page
. Don't sent the notification letter, education and work experience documents. No cover letter please!
Tks for your help.
But one problem is I still haven't receive the notification letter with barcode yet.
My Embassy gave me the case number and all DS form to send back to KCC?

So how do I get the barcode sheet???
Tks for your help.
But one problem is I still haven't receive the notification letter with barcode yet.
My Embassy gave me the case number and all DS form to send back to KCC?

So how do I get the barcode sheet???

How did you got to know that you have won and how did your embassy gave you the case number/forms?

Yet still you can send the forms without the bar code once you have stated your case number on every page of the forms.

Our Embassy email to me that they have been notified by KCC.
All my bio info are correct.
So I went there and collect the form and case number.
I didn't notice I need to have barcode sheet.

Our Embassy email to me that they have been notified by KCC.
All my bio info are correct.
So I went there and collect the form and case number.
I didn't notice I need to have barcode sheet.

Don't worry, as I have said above you can send the forms without the barcode. All the best.
Tks for your help.

Another thing is _ will they contact my petitioner to get I-134 form or my petitioner need to contact them after I submit the 1 letter?
How they process this step?

Can I change my petition when i receive the 2 letter?