Any Dec 2001/Jan 2002 waiting for 2nd FP?


Registered Users (C)

Is there anyone with DEC 2001 or JAN 2002 RD/ND who's still waiting to get a 2nd FP notice, even though the 1st FP has expired?

My details:

RD/ND 01/2002
1FP 03/2002
Waiting for Approval/RFE
Waiting for 2nd FP notice.

Am I the only one in this timeframe to have:
1. No RFE
2. No 2nd FP notice?

With the INS, the one thing you can be sure of is that you are never alone, there are likely thousands in the same boat at any given time!

If it is of any comfort, I am in the same situation, although to be technically correct, I must say that they sent my second FP way back in march, which the ASC here refused to act on (I approached them twice).:eek:

Good luck.
Jan 2002 waiting for 2nd FP

I did my 1st FP in FEB 2002 and then after nothing heard from BCIS. After calling bunch of time, INS officer told me that it is not necessary that i've to do 2nd FP unless 1st FP is not properly done or some other reasons.

In some cases they don't send 2nd FP notice.

So i think nothing to worry about.


Thanks for your responses. I am just one of those dec 01/jan 02 applicants, waiting to see if there's any action on my I-485.

I never thought that I would be praying that I get an RFE or a 2nd FP appointment. Sadly, only those 2 notices seem to indicate progress(?) of one's I-485 case at NSC. Since I have not received either, I am inclined to think that NSC had enough of Dec 01/Jan 02 cases and moved on to Feb-Apr 02 cases.

Originally posted by cmr
.... if its gonna happen its gonna happen.


Que Sera Sera?:)

kevin_brown, FP2 is just a hygiene factor (Herzberg's two factor theory, anyone?), in other words, a necessary condition. RFE, on the other hand, really indicates progress. But then, like cmr says, neither of these is really predictive of real progress.;)

Pardon me if that sounds like Rumsfeldian blather.:eek:
Actually not getting second finger print

is more comforting than have valid FP. They very well likely to skip the valid FP cases and go into expired ones. This is what has been the trend at INS now!
Re: Jan 2002 waiting for 2nd FP

Originally posted by Piyushind
After calling bunch of time, INS officer told me that it is not necessary that i've to do 2nd FP unless 1st FP is not properly done or some other reasons.

In some cases they don't send 2nd FP notice.

So i think nothing to worry about.

I thought FPs expired in 15 months. Are you sure that you spoke to a real immigration officer i.e., the second or preferably third layer on the customer service line and not the minimum wage contractors that answer the phones?

Out of sheer boredom on what's been a bad day for me so far, went to the the USCIS website to check on my 3rd AP application. Saw that they have received my 3rd AP application on 12/08 and they estimate 450 to 480 days to process my type of application. Found it ironic that they'd take that long to approve a document that's valid for only 365 days. Plus, my current AP is set to expire in the next 30-45 days, so it's perfectly clear I'm gambling big time.

Just thought I'd check my 485 status for the heck of it. To my surprise, it says that they have sent an RFE on 12/12. Let's see what they want now. Like I said in 1 of my earlier posts, I guess I should feel happy that they have sent an RFE, since this means that somebody finally opened my file for the first time since the 485 checks were cashed almost 2 yrs back!

I wonder if my 485 RFE had anything to do with my 3rd AP filing. Once you wait for 2 years on 485, I guess you try to equate any event with some logical trigger!
