Any Dec, 2001 applicants?


Registered Users (C)
I am a Dec 2001 applicant and still waiting for my 2nd FP / RFE / Approval. I sent 1st level inquiry, contacted senetor and congressmen and no response from CSC.

Any Dec, 2001 applicants still waiting for their 2nd FP or Approval? Please post your information here.

What are the other options for us to contact CSC? Any direct numbers or email address that we can use to contact CSC to find out the status of our case?

Thanks in advance.
Mine filed on Jan 2002, same status as you. In my case, it is stuck in the queue waiting for 2nd FP notice to be send out. I bet yours are also stuck in here.

Have your attorney call 949-389-3007, you can try to yourself as well. I did once and was told don't call this number, although the lady did check the status for me. Not every one answers the phone knows what's going on (you can tell if they start to use security check excuse) email to: can also normally get a response back.

It was said FP reschedule takes 30 -60 days, now it says no time line can be given for this process...
Thanks leeee for your response.

I called that number couple of times in last 30 days and officers told me to call 1-800 number for the status. I called again today after I saw your message and the officer told me same but they checked my case. She said everything is fine with your case, it is just waiting in the shelf for your 2nd FP.

I told her that I didn’t get the 2nd FP notice and asked her to raise any inquire to send the 2nd FP. She said that she can’t do that as the FP generation process is automatic. The disappointed news was the FP generation process may take 6 months (according to her).

I asked her for the options that I have to speed up the FP generation process and she asked me to just wait by hoping the FP will come soon.

I will send a mail to the email address that you provided, can u please suggest any points to add to this email?
wac 02 077 dec 01
called twice for status inquiry and once for confirming address change
2nf FP in Jan 04
RFE June 10
You need to have your attorney call the numbers 949-389-3007/949-389-3252. Mine worked that way. They promised to do something in next 3 weeks and I got my 2nd FP in two weeks time. If you call them yourself, it doesn't work out. It's complete BS that it would take 6 months for 2nd FP. You are well past the JIT date and they need to process this. Otherwise get an Infopass and visit the LA office and speak to the IIO concerned.
I'm sept 2001

I'm Sept 2001 ND- 1st FP in may 2003, RFe in jan 2004 - they wanted recent stubs. Nothing after that. They told my lawyer that my case was with an officer.
dec 2001

Mine was also in dec 2001 got appoved in June 4. Ask your attroney to call uscis instead of calling yourself.

Thanks all for you valuable suggestions.

My attorney called 5 times so far with 2 week gap between each call. Every time attorney got the following messages from CSC.

‘The case is at officer desk and will review soon’
‘The case is not supposed to be at officer’s desk as it required 2nd FP, We are going to send it to self so that it will get a FP’
‘The case is at officer and we don’t know when it is going to be get processed’

I guess that there is a problem with CSC or my Attorney. I don’t know what to do now. I guess that I don’t have any luck
junk12345 said:
My attorney called 5 times so far with 2 week gap between each call. Every time attorney got the following messages from CSC.

I am with you. Since I am in the exactly same situation. For MOST people believe that inquiry was the trigger, I tend to think that's just coincidence and luck.

I guess that there is a problem with CSC or my Attorney.

My attorney (FDBL) has done all those as well, they are getting the similar useless answers like yours (with officer, maybe security check, ...). I don't know who's having problem, CSC or Attorney? But I did one phone call, one email myself, and one congressional inquiry, all came back with same answer: it's pending for FP schedule. "No timeline can be given for this process", end of story.

I don’t know what to do now. I guess that I don’t have any luck

I felt the same way. The only way that might work is we are all united and stand up for ourselves. Our individual voice is just simply too weak to be heard. I felt sorry and bad that "Calling all applicants filed b/f current JIT: time to act! E-Mail Campaign - Ocean #14" failed by lacking of participants. CSC has successfully alienated us by this random processing, lots people stay quite either they are the lucky ones or hope they will be.

Other than that, not much can be done but trying to put everything behind I guess.
Thanks leeee for your response. I totally agree with your comments. It is hard to digest the truth some times :)

Let’s participate in E-mail campaign and hope that will trigger something soon.

Any other comments from other members?