Any chance for me for a NIW or EB1?


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I work for an IT company and I have about 7 articles published at various international conferences. I also have professional certifications. I am the sole author of 2 technical/management books that will hit the market next year. Both books are in my area of work. Wouldn't writing 2 books qualify as extraordinary ability? If yes, do I have to wait until atleast 1 book hits the market or I can submit the signed book contract as evidence and file early?

I welcome your thoughts...
Originally posted by CalvinX
I work for an IT company and I have about 7 articles published at various international conferences. I also have professional certifications. I am the sole author of 2 technical/management books that will hit the market next year. Both books are in my area of work. Wouldn't writing 2 books qualify as extraordinary ability? If yes, do I have to wait until atleast 1 book hits the market or I can submit the signed book contract as evidence and file early?

I welcome your thoughts...

Your level of education is?

Doesn't look good, my friend. Your two books would have to draw the praise of many experts in your field to even begin a case for EA.

my education is MS


There have been excellent comments received from the experts on the manuscript, so I could provide that

Or maybe I can position my work somehow to be for the betterment of this country, I work in the field of "Quality" and quality is pervasive in all industries... This way I can make a pitch for NIW

Maybe I should get hold of a good lawyer for an assessment or ???
check out the requirement

You definitely should consult a lawyer. However, you should look at the criteria for EB1 or NIW. If you think you satisfy the minimum requirements, I think you should go for it. If not, then don't waste your time/money.

Re: check out the requirement

Originally posted by mathpc
You definitely should consult a lawyer. However, you should look at the criteria for EB1 or NIW. If you think you satisfy the minimum requirements, I think you should go for it. If not, then don't waste your time/money.


Good point, Mathpc. Publications are only one of the required criteria for EA.

I don't read a lot about IT-related NIW. They also require an advanced degree.

Thanks for the responses guys.

I thought I met 3 of the needed criteria for EA, I will check again and then talk to a lawyer.