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Any Caribbean 2008 DV "winners"?


Registered Users (C)
Checking again to see if there are any other Caribbean people on the forum who have received 2008 NLs.
yes my husband and I are from the caribbean. He won DV-2008. He is studying in the US and I live at home with our son ie DOminica. Where are you from ?????????

I posted at the thread after you can you provide any assistance for me ????? What is your case number like ???
Hi Supa Nova

I am from Trinidad, our case number is 2008SA000006**

It is nice to meet another Caribbean person on the forum :) . I am new to the forum and now learning all about this DV process but I will try to assist in any way I can.
supa nova

you are one hell of a lucky family , congratulations and good luck.

i have been waiting for so long. i hope i would be lucky this year for me and my family.

Island girl did you say you were selected this year?
Hi Paulineg

Yes, we got the NL last month so the process is just beginning for us.

You still have a chance to receive the NL, letters are still going out. I hope you are successful. Which island are you from?
Dear Islandgirl

I am really happy for you and your family, I am from Grenada and my mother is Trinidadian , I also grew up in Trinidad so while I do not know you , I feel a connection.

I have been trying for about 4 years, and without success, I went to the Post Office this morning and there was nothing from KCC .

I feel disappointed and despondent.

I do hope everything works out for you and our friend in Dominica.:(

Don't give up yet Paulineg, letters will continue to be sent out until the end of July, that is over two months still to go so there is still hope.

I know how frustrating it must be to keep waiting and hoping. This was our third attempt and we finally got the NL. Some people have been trying for several years and are still hoping to be successful.

I truly hope you get good news soon.

My husband and I have been to Grenada a couple of times and we really enjoyed our visits. I know what you mean about feeling a connection, Trinidadians and Grenadians have always been close.