Any body got their fingerprinted in Sacramento CA before the appointment date?


Registered Users (C)
Please respond if you got fingerprinted in Sac CA before the appointment date. I got my fingerprint notice for today telling me to go the BCIS support center on 20th of MAY at 1pm. I am curious whether I can go to there earlier than this date?

I already got 1st RFE and already replied to it. Thank you very much for your suggestion.

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My wife gave her fingerprints 2 weeks earlier than her
appointment date at Sacramento. They did not object at all.
They looked at the photo id (passport), and the fingerprint
We just walked in on a Friday around 1.30 pm - the whole
fingerprinting process took less than 10 minutes
(there was no one in line)
Yes we could do it there

Thank you srikrs,

I also went there yesterday and had my fingerprinted.
