any body around this WAC#


Registered Users (C)
Wanted to know if any of you got 2nd fp?
or RFE's or any progress made between
WAC 065 to WAC 070's

My details :

RD : Dec 18th
first FP : 16Dec 01

When will I ever get 2nd FP.

Has any progress being made around this wac #?
I am desperately trying to
1) change jobs
2) go home

Tasse any comments??

2nd FP

I am WAC 02-057 and struggling for my 2nd FP for around two month , 2 enquiries till now.

WAC-02-067-53XXX, RD: 18-DEC-2001

RD : 18-DEC-2001
First FP : March 2002
Changed job August 2002
Sent letter to INS about change of job recently for AC21.
No RFE, 2nd FP yet.
Crossing my fingers..

My details are:

wac# wac0206752***
ND: Dec 16
First FP: May 22, 01

NO RFE or Second FP yet.

Still waiting for something to happen.

There has been very less activity in these range of wac nos from all the results I have been observing.

No hope of any activity this year too. :(

This is depressing. No body around 02-065-070
have gotten 2nd fp or RFE or both.

I was sseing some people with dec RD getting
approved and was happy that atleast some time
from today it will be processed before I die..
do we need to worry about 2nd FP? is that not responsibility fo BCIS? do we need to follow up on this? please let me know
mine is wac-02-103-xxxxx