Any April 2002 NJ Filers left ?


Registered Users (C)
I have seen many april 2002 filers getting approved but my case is still pending. Is there any one in the same boat. VSC processing time has also moved to april 17, 2002
Hi rblmc
Its strange that your Case is still pending, I was really hoping to look for your Approval
Most of the ppl in that time frame have got Approved
Call up CustomerService since you have past there processing time dates !!!
All the Best

I'm still here. By the way my colleague is a march '02 filer and still waiting. The bottom line is that there is quite a few folks out there that you can comisserate with.

we did our fp2 on same day i.e. 15 May, 2004. after your approval i was expecting the same for me but my case is still pending. my lud is 06/01/2004.

from the replies i see still many april 2002 nj filers are left.
Me too.

I am not from NJ but I am in the same boat.

Can I call Cutomer Service and ask about my case as my RD is little after April 17th.

Good Luck to all of us.
you can try but they will ask you to wait till processing date is month after your rd.
Count me in too..I am from NJ.
I had called CS and they said the date of "April 17 2002 means they are processing cases now from "April 2 2002 to April 17 2002" .
If your case if befor that then they will forward inquiry else wait
RD is 04/10/2002

Hi all,

My RD is 04/10/02. Did 2nd FP for my self, in last December. Spouse have not received 2nd FP notice so far. Don't know why ?? No news so far. Am I eligible to call now and ask why. BTW I am not from NJ.