Any April 2001 ND left?


Registered Users (C)
Hi ,
My RD April 03,2001, and ND is April 17th 2001.
I received a RFE on NoV 2002. Ins Received My RFE response on Dec 11 th. There is no news yet. I called INS couple of time they
Keep saying that my file is with an Officer.

I contacted the senetor and congressman office. They didn't respond very well.

Is anybody from April 2001 still waiting. Please post your details.

I can see lot of approvals for peple who returned their RFE on Feb.2002 or Late Jan 2002. Is there any body waiting for an
approval about 3 months after replying RFE ? Please post your details.

I think NSC is approving in the order of Last In First Out.
The unlucky people are those whose RFEs they recd somewhere in Nov/Dec.

My rd in Aug 2001 & Nd in Sept 2001 and rfe recd by INS on Dec 3rd and my spouse's rfe was recf on Nov.

Good luck friends.
Waiting RD/ND March 2001

Looks like there are lot of pre 05/2001 ND waiters. Mostof the people are from 03/2001, if you check

I have called several times ( atleast 10 times) in last one year. Most of the times the IIOs are not willing to tell what is the status of the case. The answer is " your case is pending".
What a stupid answer to your question.
Don't know, what to do at this stage.
hey mandu, did u recieve any RFE ?

cuz' i'm also in the 05/2001 loop and still waiting wihthout any RFE or any response from INS.

whenever i call i'm told that my case is pending.

thanks buddy.
Message for sks052001

Yes, I was issued RFE back in FEB 2002. The RFE anniversary was last month. The RFE was for BC
My case is also similar. RD March 19th,2001,ND April 4, 2001. Called INS several times, got the same answer like pending. Contacted the congressman last year but didn't help much. Again contacted the senator last month and they informed me that INS is going to issue me a RFE. I should be getting it within 3 weeks. Today I checked the online and it says on March 5th they sent me a RFE. So waiting for RFE.