Any approvals for ND=Oct99 and FP done recently, Please Post!!!

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Similar dates. Still waiting .. It seems no approvals for ND Oct99 with FP done recently!!
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have u called IIO to ask how these cases will handled, or do you know. How the people who just did there FP and Have ND between october and march and are current are going to be handled??
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When I called few months ago, I was told that these cases would be processed as soon as FP is done and received by VSC. It does not seem like that now, because there are no approvals lately..for Oct99 cases.
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Same case. Everything current. finished FP on Mar 10th. It is increasingly getting harder to wait longer.
PD :3/96 ND:10/99, EB3/India
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I spoke to IIO last week and they said that once FP results are received it will take a few weeks to assign the case to an officer again and then it purely depends on how long the officer takes .
She clearly said that processing times can greatly vary between
officer to officer.
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same with me too. Did my FP for myself and wife on Mar 16th. Called FBI and the FP\'s were sent to INS vermont the same day. Hesitant to call INS that soon, since they would give a recent reply may be after 3 weeks. So will be calling them in 2.5 weeks. Anybody called to check their FP status. Saw a posting in the message board that INS is not encouraging FP questions.
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I am in the same boat.
EB2 RD 9/99 ND 10/99. PD Current FP done on 2/21/00.
One approval in this group would make us smile wide...
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It seems VSC is keeping the applications aside for two months after issuing the FP notice. So people did their FP in Jan and middle of Feb should shortly see approvals coming along their way. Lets hope for the best!!!
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Seems god only knows what is going with VSC. Their standard answer is "We are processing Oct15th cases". We have not seen any approvals other than few for Country: other, FP done back in 2000. It\'s really frustating!!!
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I love to believe this. But this posting seems little out of the way.
This is the first message posted by this user!!!!
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>>>>Seems god only knows what is going with VSC.
actually no, I should say the God probably doesn\'t know and that could be the problem (for most God believers)... :)
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You have a point there but there might be some people who are just reading and have never posted anything.

I don\'t think we should bring the champagne out but may be we just pay close attention to the postings in next couple of days to see if more people start reporting approvals.

Let\'s wait and watch