Any 2001 Filers still left

Same dates

RD 10-01
ND 12-01
FP 2 8-03
LUD 5-04
NAme check 7-04.
Agreed to expedite on 8-30-04 (no results yet, people says just ignore it)
Name check

Khan bacha,

Based on my last inquiry in August, my name check is still pending. I did not inquire again. Congratulations on your name check. At least you guys are one step ahead of me.
you guys are nor 'forgotten' people. you will be approved real soon. And I wish god same. :) . Be Hope it! you will get it.
Please document name check results.
My name check cleared 7-04.
Possibly all our cases are with one person?
I just got a email form FBI says
This is in reference to your facsimile dated August 30, 2004, concerning your immigration status. The FBI completed a record check for you today, September 21st, and the results were forwarded to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
It looks like the check from FBI cause the delay, you guys may fax FBI to check it.
My detail are as following
1st I140 (1997 1 and half years late denied).
2nd I140 (June, 2001)
RD I485 (April 2002)
FP1, FP2 done
EAD1, EAD2, EAD3 done
a few months ago started calling UCIS, nothing help form them,
sent email and faxed FBI, got reply form FBI today as stated above
hope every thing can go through, and best wishes for you guys.
contacted congressman's office

which forwarded an email from CIS saying I am under security clearance... wait for 60 days...

anything can be more ridiculous than this!?
Is there a pattern we can come up with as to why we are the ones being held up

After thiking about this for months the only thing I can come up with is my lawyer originally applied for consular processing during my I140 which he later changed to I485. Could it happen that my file went to the Mumbai consulate for CP and teh route then had to be changed which is causing the delay..

DID any body here change form CP to I485