Get stuff you miss the most from your homeland


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Fellow immigrants,

Don't you always miss spices from your homeland? Don't you miss some home-made ingredients from your Mom at home? Don't you want to some time send a small gift home (in person) to your family and friends? is here to help you with your wishes above.

Want it. Wish it. Get it. Make new global and local friends through wish exchanges.

This is the free service that is providing to immigrants to connect with fellow immigrants and other travelers traveling between where they are currently at and their home town; and help the immigrants get the goods/services they like to get from their home country; as well as sending home gifts to their families/friends without traveling there themselves. The human touch is still there. The feeling and taste of home is still satisfied.

For example, you are an immigrant from India at San Francisco, USA. Your family is still in Bombay India. You miss the home made pickled mango your Mom made so much. You connect with a traveler who is coming from Bombay to San Francisco on The traveler helps bring you the home made pickled mango from your Mom; you help pick up the traveler from the airport and take him to his hotel and help saves him about $70 of taxi fee. This traveler will be going back to Bombay after a week. Your mom birthday is coming. You would like to give her a Coach bag for her birthday gift. This nice traveler - a new friend you have made on AntWish is really kind and will help bring the bag to your Mom. When he visits your home in India, your Mom treats him to a nice home cooked meal. The circle of your family and friends have just grown through

Check out It is a new platform, we are just building user base. This is platform built by immigrants for immigrants. Please do help spread the words to the rest of your friends and fellow immigrants too. Hopefully everyone gets a taste of home all the time.
I was about to click the spam button on this post (which would ban the poster and delete the posts).

However, I think it seems like a genuine "immigrant to immigrant" idea, even if a little naive. So - for now I'll let it stay (other mods may not).

I have to say though there are aspects about the plan I think are questionable - so I do hope you haven't invested too much time/money in your site. Carrying food or other items through customs for someone else is not always advisable and in many cases the item would be confiscated, or at least the carrier could say it was confiscated and enjoy the pickles themselves.

By the way, as the "mule" would you be confident the "pickles" aren't actually something a bit less legal??? Wow!

Then, there is the idea of a stranger being at the airport to pick up the person. Sounds innocent, but I'm not so sure that it would be safe - and in any case have you ever met someone at an international airport - it can mean waiting HOURS for someone who landed late, or was delayed going through customs and so on. That is more effort than I would want to spend on some family members, let alone a stranger! I'm busy - I would rather pay for a limo to pick some family members up - but I would not pay for that for some pickles.

But yeah, all in all, I think has a rocky future ahead... Sorry.
It's a good idea. And though I concur with Britismon I have to say there are things that us immigrants want but cannot get here.
That being said, there is something I want, so I joined and posted :) Let's see what happens.