Another FP notice lost...

I got the FP code1 letter, now on 06JUL07.

Does the letter have a date in it? Could you share the date on the letter please? Also, what is the date of the postmark on the envelope?

I ask because there seems to be a substantial delay between the time that the internal systems in TSC decide to generate any correspondence for an applicant and the time when the actual letter gets posted.

Is that really 06Jul07 you meant to write there? Or 17Jul07? I ask because you seem to have posted on this thread on 7th July asking if USCIS will ask you to take FP again.
I just went to infopass and they told me that the ASC had responded with some fingerprints on May 07, 2007, without even scheduling a new finger print request for me. When i told them that the only time that i did fingerprinting was on Apr, 2005, the IO looked at the file again and said that it could be an error ??. She said she would send an email to TSC, to issue a new fingerprint request. I am not sure what is going on? How could the ASC send some other fingerprint, without me actually giving one? She also said that the file has been assigned to an officer, and the name/background checks are complete. I guess because of the fingerprint mess up, my file is being held up.

When I went for Infopass I was told the similar thing. The IO sent an "email" to issue a new fingerprint request but nothing has happened till now.
IO said mine is on July 26th but I have not received the notice :( she said she will mail another one.... the notice should be here by now; I dont know :(
I am calling my lawyer tomorrow to see if they got something, I am giving them another chance today. I talked to an IO yesterday and she confirmed they have my right address but is just weirtd. First they told me due to a glitch on the system, they never generated a FP, then she said another one was generated and sent on 7/12/7. It should be here by now.
I know the appointment date and time. Can I show up and have them take my fp without the notice? Will they do it?
How do I contact my local fp office?