Another crap from Mastech...Is it another tactic to delay things.. See their employee only website

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waiting for GC is not a big deal as long as you know that you are not terminated after going on bench. This is the what is talked by most of the people that guys are terminated as soon as they go to bench. I am not sure what will happen to their GC processing after getting terminated. Anybody who knows the situation better respond. All answers are appreciated.
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Ok here is what it was like so far....when Our company lawyer files something to INS, they put a covering letter to it.....they send the copy of the covering letter to us.....then after a while INS sends a receipt notice to the sends us a xerox copy of the receipt to us. Take ur GC file and see how the sequence was...first you received the ETA form to fill...then you received a covering letter for ur LC filing....then copy of ur LC approval....then came I140 document list....then copy of covering letter for your I140 filing....then a letter from mastech stating that ur I140 is approved....then came the 485 package u entered on the web....then came the covering letter for ur 485,EAD,AP filing....then came the copies of the receipt notices from the lawyer. Then while you renew ur EAD and AP u got the receipts directly from INS because "YOU" filed it.

NOW looking at the above sequence I am confused that If we don\'t get a copy of the covering letter sent by the lawyer to the INS for our amended I140s HOW DO WE KNOW THAT IT HAS BEEN FILED??? HOW CAN WE EXPECT A RECEIPT FOR SOMETHING THAT WE DO NOT KNOW WHETHER OUR THING HAS BEEN FILED??? U got what am saying??
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I was expecting that they will put a list of people for whom they have filed on the web and update it as they file everyday. What\'s the significance of putting a list initially and then not updating it at all and leave all of us to believe that their cases are filed when that may not be true.
I got your point Phil...about that magic number of 60
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I know one such case....the person got terminated. When he asked about the GC, they said we will support BUT "Don\'t ask for the paystubs and "certain" documents"

I do not what is meant by "certain documents"???!!!
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Guys if your name appears in list of I-140 already filled, Make sure to get a copy from attorney somehow, don\'t trust these LIARS (legal dept) any more, they are proven wolves.
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The problem is the Lawyers are NOT responding to our questions neither they entertain us!! what to do man...God, pity on our plight!!!!!
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HEY! ECONOMICS and MORALITY DONOT GOTOGETHER. They gained by not applying earlier. It is a short term gain for 6-12 months and I donot think one does not see/care beyond it.