Another crap from Mastech...Is it another tactic to delay things.. See their employee only website


Registered Users (C)
Because of the "I-140 portability" provision in Section 106 of the last October\'s AC21 legislation, it should not be necessary to file amended I-140 petitions on account of the March 7, 2000 restructuring of Mastech. Unfortunately, INS has failed to issue either regulations or written guidance which defines the scope of "I-140 portability". In addition, the Vermont Service Center is providing conflicting advice to individuals as to whether or not the filing of amended "successor-in-interest" petitions would be processed.

Given these circumstances the Immigration Department has resumed the preparation and filing of amended I-140 petitions for those I-485 applicants whose priority date is "current". More than sixty such petitions have been filed already. The filing will be completed before Memorial Day.

On this Friday, April 13, you should consult your Company\'s employee-only website if you are an I-485 applicant with a "current" priority date. If your name appears on the list of already-filed amended I-140 petitions, you should do nothing. You will receive the Form I-797 filing fee receipt notice when INS issues it. You should not communicate with the Immigration Department.

If you have a pending permanent residence application with a "current" priority date and you are not on the list, you should send your HR manager a photocopy of your EAD card. Please write the expiration date of the card on the photocopy. You should not communicate with the Immigration Department.

If you have a pending I-485 application and your priority date is NOT "current," you should do nothing. An amended petition will be filed, if required, after the petitions for employees with "current" priority dates are completed.
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I think this is a positive development, this is the best they can do under the circumstances. I hope they will move quickly and file all amended I-140s necessary. One sad part of this is VSC is not currently processing I-140 at any speed. So I do not know the length of wait to get it approved. But already efforts are going on to force VSC to process I-140. Please check the 140 discussion board. Hope everything ends well. Thanks for the post
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I think this is a very positive step. In any way you have nothing to loose. Even if tomorrow INS says we do not need any amended I-140 your i-485 will be clear but if they say otherwise you are a step ahead. The legal dept should have done this long back.
Though my I-485 is already approved after amended I-140 I strongly feel for others in the same company.
My amended I-140 ND-17 jan/ RD 21-Jan / approved on 28-March ( little over 2 months )
Do not worry 2 months will pass very soon .....
Good luck to all
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This is good. Just hope that amended I-140s are approved without delays and hopefully the new regulations ( interim ) which are due out at the \'end\' of this month will clearly obviate the need for these I-140s.
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Log onto Mastech\'s employee\'s only website.

check out Immigration.

Check FaQs , News etc.
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Get rid of all your cookies and temporary internet files realted to igatecapital and mastech. Then try again.
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Hey thanks VSC_..but still am looking at "INTRFCE" and still i see the one posted on MARCH 14th!!!

Can anyone say whatz wrong?
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Conference call tonight.....
I am hoping to hear something positive at the conf call tonight at 7.30.
I really wish legal dept had done this earlier - then probably more than 60 people could have breathed a sigh !!! Well atleast some movement so lets not whine and keep our fingers crossed.
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got an e-mail circular about it - Ejiva.. don\'t know if it applies to other Igate family. If not, I will post you on developments after it is over
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According to Mr. Brendell, Proactive I-140 Redos were filed last week for about 60 people. More will be filed this week and beyond. He also says that filing of the I-140 redo will not cause any delays if INS does come out with regulations in the near future. He says that during the last conference of AILA with INS, a senior INS official has indicated that the INS regulations soon to be released will be taking a liberal view of the AC21 provisions and will include all I-485 filers ( I hope it really does that) that may have waited for 180 days even before Oct 17, 2000. I hope filing I-140 redo is a step in the right direction, although my gut feeling is that it may not be necessary after April 15th. He did not mention anything and nobody asked him about applications that are already under HOLD and what could be done to speed them up.

The First I-485 that may be approved after the current round of RFEs without being put on HOLD will be closely watched for.
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These liars have finally decided to do the right things since they know if they don\'t file these amended I-140 now, and regulations are delayed further, people will start quitting Mastech after April 16 and that may hit them hard in their groin. They planned ahead that they will file it after 6 months from the day law was signed in Oct. last year since these sick professionals at legal department knew INS always delays guidelines for months/years. Now everyone will say let\'s wait for this amended I-140 to get approved. It\'s a plaine and simple approach to delay as much as possible with glimmer of hope that soon you will get it. THEY DON\'T WANT YOU TO QUIT SINCE THEY WANT TO SAVE THEIR BUTT. These people refused flat out in Nov. that it\'s waste of time to file for amended I-140. What happened now???
These 60 cases they have filed must be from Ejiva employees only since from what I heard some people were surprised that they didn\'t get information for this conference call.
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I think the company statement is very valid and could speed up the cases, as we don\'t know when INS is going to make regulations.
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It would have been appreciated had they not stopped doing it six months back. They intentionally wasted 6 months. There are doing it now since they know they are sitting on thin uice and can\'t squat anymore.
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I don\'t know what are these lagal dept doing for past 6 months, They promised us that they would do their duty and asked us not to contact them which would delay their work. what happened now is if you don\'t contact them (legal dept) you will be screwed royally.
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Well Nishi, nothing new happened at the conf call - the same information as posted at the web page was delivered. As IGATE says - they should have filed the 140\'s much earlier rather than waste months..
I can understand your frustration - being stuck for 6+years - I am in the same boat as you (6 yrs and 1 month) and what bothers me more is people who came in later and with PD later than mine are getting RFE,approvals etc. INS does not seem to be following any particular pattern .I really don\'t know what to expect. With the 140 refiling by Memorial day, don\'t you think it is going to take 3 to 4 months for it to be cleared? (if not later!)

Well, I guess we just have to suport each other and this board is very helpful - atleaset I know I am not alone out there
Good luck to all
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IGTE, This is a reply for your early postings.... The LD did proactive I-140s for the first two batches(95-96PDs) last year....most of them out of which got their approvals already. This "60" people includes them I guess!!...hope this wud be clear this friday.

The web posting says "do not call the immigration department" the hek will we know that our amended I-140 has gone to INS? it also says "wait for the receipt from INS, u will receive it as soon as it is issued" ...yeah right!!! Man! how can we wait for some receipt for something we are not sure of being filed??? It wud be nice if we receive a copy of the covering letter that they wud send along while filing our I140s...

What do u guys think?
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Won\'t INS send the reciept to the attorney and they forward a copy to us???(I don\'t remember how it was send the last time)
 I know of a case where the fingerprint notice was not forwarded to the employee\'s correct address and 3 months later he gets a letter from INS that his GC is denied as he did not finger print...
How can we just sit back and relax??