Another Birth Certificate question..


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Mother\'s name is not on the Birth Cert. what to do in case of RFE?

I got a Birth Certificate (actually it says birth certificate but it is more like a record of birth issued in 1999) from the Directorate of Births & Deaths from the State where I was born saying that as per the record of birth in the state, I was born on such and such date.. and has my father\'s name on it, but not my mother\'s name..

Did anyone get an RFE for not having mother\'s name on your Birth Certificate? If you did, what did you submit?

Anyone, please any help will be appreciated...

Had you submitted affidavits along with your BC, it would have been fine. In case of RFE, affidavits might be sufficient. SO you might want to get the affidavits now so that you can save time.

One of my friend in the same situation got RFE and INS asked for 2 affidavits.
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The affidavits can be from you parents (preferably from Mother) or close relatives who are at least of age 18 at the time of your birth. The affidavits should vouch for you date of birth details. They should be on a stamp paper and should be notarised.

***Desclaimer: I am not an attorney*****
my original BC did not have my name on it. Now I have got new BC and one

affadavi from parents. Should that be ok or do I need any more documents. No RFE yet but still want to get ready. let me know if this should be ok or do I need more.