Anniversary Group !!


Registered Users (C)
How many Anniversary members around ?
I completed 1 Year 1 Month and 7 Days !
No Clue at all !!
Count me in, though 13 days away

I don't think my case can be approved by the end of this month with current pace.
me too

RD 10/01/01
ND 11/20/01
FP 03/14/02

1 Year + 17 days ...............

I am too tired of checking on-line message or even this website.

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count me

1 year 17 days

RD : 10/01/01

when will be the end for this waiting ................
RD 09/27

One year twenty days and counting. Can't wait to post a approved message on this forum... Hope to see that day soon..
me too

1 yr 17 days

for those lucky ones who are blessed by GOD with GC within 1 yrs or so, waiting since Dec 1997, paper work started Aug 1997.

when will end come? I need to ask GOD? I wish I could do that. Life is not fair.

rd: oct 1/01, Nd: Nov 21/01, Fp: Mar 6/02, Process resumed: Mar 14/02

I accumulated 1year, 1 month and 4 days credit. Waiting for RFE letter (Heart-broken and very sad).
Last day of the first year

Is this the end of the beginning or the beginning of the end???

paccha : No use calling IIOs. They cant do anything to speed it up.