And then, GOD extended HIS hands upon me.....


Registered Users (C)

Our online message is updated to reflect that our case (my wife and I) have been approved as of Feb 9th. The message is updated yesterday night.

Case details:
RD: 06/01/2001
FP: 05/27/03 (me-primary), 03/07/03 (wife)

I changed job after 1.5 years, but didn't inform. We moved from FL to MD, but still kept the same FL address.

We are very excited...Wish you all good luck and we will continue praying for you all...

I will hang aorund here...I can't just leave this forum!!!
May the blessings continue..........

Can you please confirm whether you received any RFE and its details if any.

Thanks and Congrats

congratulations plasticcard...

what was your online status before it changed to approval??
Congratulations plasticCard

I think now for you its not just plastic but more importantly its GreenCard.Best of luck and enjoy your freedom !
Both of our online status was "FP received...processing resumed"!! Also, I think we got our FP notice because of manual request.