And the game is over!!!


Registered Users (C)
Yup, got the approval email just now. Both me and my wife approved!

My RD/ND was september 2001, Several EADs and APs, but just one FP that expired THE DAY THEY APPROVED IT!

The RFE was received by INS on 5/12/2004, so it took 48 days for them to approve it

The senators office was instrumental in getting it approved! They intervened at the last moment to help us out, otherwise the FP would have certainly expired.

Anyway, hope other 2001 applicants get approved soon also. Good luck!

Glad you didn't have to do the 2nd FP which could strech the wait much longer just as we had gone through! Enjoy your freedom!!!

I have almost the same REF and ACK date. But my case is not approved yet. Do you know what cause the delay? My lowyer told me they take the secuity check.