An Unbelievable Landing experience at Rainbow Bridge


Registered Users (C)
Hello Friends,

I want to thank all the folks who had posted their landing experiences at this forum. I have not been a member until today and so signed in to thank all of you for having such a great forum.

We had completed our landing process on 20th April 2005. I really cannot say it as to be a strange or unusal or funny :). We drove early in the morning from our place to Niagara and reached at about in 4:30 hrs. And the directions have led straight onto the Rainbow Bridge. I had read the experience@ rainbow bridge posted by the member. Either could it be said as overlooked or could not think at the moment we paid toll for the bridge and landed at canadian side. I was telling my husband probably we should have stopped at the bridge to enquire with the US office about the exit stamp or any other info required from them. But since we are at the canadian side he told me let luck be there with us and what ever wants to happen will happen. And so we had seen about 4-5 lanes were opened and had been to one of the lane. The officer had taken our passports and asked
1. what is the purpose of the trip?
a. To do landing process

2. Why do you want to move?
a. To work and settle in Canada

3. How many of you travelling?
a. 3

4. where are you working currently?
a. USA

5. When are you planning to move?
a. In about couple of months

6. Is this your own vehicle?
a. No, Rental car

7. Do you have goods to follow?
a. Yes

And he wrote down some info on the yellow slip and asked us to park the vehicle at the building and asked to see the immigration officers. He was been bit rude and thought we may not enter but finally we parked our vehicle at the building and looked at the slip what he had written down. It was written as " 3 people for landing, goods to follow". We took our documents and proceeded into the building. And one of the officer had welcomed us and our process was continued. The officer been very polite and welcoming.

She looked at the passports , asked for landing documents, asked for proof of funds( showed a recent bank statement and cashiers cheque of $5k) and asked as
1.when are you planning to move.
My husband said as in about couple of months
2. Why do you want to move then
I have job responsibilities at US and once done will be moving
3. Asked for Canadian address
provided friends address
4. Will you be staying with them
5. She said it would take about 5-6 weeks to arrive

And then asked us to sign the documents and told us that PR cards will be mailed to the address provided. And explained that we can travel to the country with the IMM attached to the passport but only in our vehicle. Incase if you had received your cards then you can enter with rental vehicle. And told us the info about to maintaining PR and applying for citizenship, SIN cards and health benefits. And she congratulated us saying your pr of canada. And then we asked her where to submit forms for customs clearance. She directed the way and said we are all set.

Then my husband had asked her the question that I did not stop at the US side to enquire with US officer regarding my travel to canada. Do you think that I had messed up anything.

She asked are you among the countries which require fingerprinting when entering to US. He said yes. Then she said you should have stopped over. Now also nothing went wrong just turn back and tell the officer that I had crossed the border to complete landing process and when you land back again explain the situation to canadian officer he would let you in with rental car.

We thanked her for the information and went ahead with the customs clearance. We had already filled up the forms for "Goods in possession" and "Goods to follow". The officer took the papers and the photographs of jewellery stamped on it and returned the documents. He had kept the photographs of the Jewellery with rest of the two forms and said your job is done and said present these papers when you are moving in they are duty free. And said good luck to us.

We had a very nice experience with the Canadian officers. We never thought the entire process would take place within an hour. We were one relieved souls after the 21/2 years struggle. But our minds were occupied about the situation we were in as what we have to say to US officers. And so thought lets head back see our luck.

And while at the US lanes the officer had wished us and asked for our passports and questions were poured down and at one moment we thought our lives are ruined. We thought we did a great mistake. The questions were

1. You seems to be on H1 why did you cross the border
a. to complete landing process at canada

2. where do you work?

3. why did you not move now to canada
Have job responsibilty at US

4. Do you have job there at canada
No, need to look
The officer laughed :D you do not have job how did you think you would survive

then my husband it was like i did not intentionally cross the border I should have stopped and enquired and very sorry about it.

He laughed again :D and said whether you did intentionally or not you are here

5. how long were you there in canada
1 hour
he asked the same question again and again and he went hmmm... with your H1 status you went to canada. Do you know the rules of border crossing and then he left that place with our passports to talk other officer at the lane and came back after few mins. Those few mins we were in such a situation it shouldnt happen to neither of our folks. And then he swiped our passports and checked in his comp and said you are done. Then my husband said I am very sorry about this and he said I need few things to verify thats it. You are done and then we thanked him returned to US.

But question was whether to take chances to go to canada or not. We had booked our hotel for 3 days of our stay and we were not worrying about the money but we were worrying whether to take risk or not. Then finally we parked our vehicle and gave a little thought processing as to cross again or not. Then I told my husband lets not take chances with US officers. What if on the day when we are returning back the officer is much more stricter than this guy we would be in "Neverland". Then finally we decided not to cross as our job there is done but the only disappointment we had was we could not travel to toronto, Niagara ontario.

I felt guilty at that point and remembered the statements posted by the members of this forum. When someone asked can I return back within a day. And other member posted as "Take a little pride to tour around the country which welcomed us". And so with our experience we returned back in an hour. And shame that we did not take that pride. And some info for the folks who will be landing soon that we landed in a destination other than mentioned in our application. In our application it was Vancouver,BC but we did POE at Niagara Falls, Ontario.

After reading this experience people can rate this at strange or Unusal or Silly.

Thats it folks.
My Sincere Thanks once again for all the help provided by posting your details and questions. Which are more or less common.

Good Luck to all of you who will be doing their PRs soon. God be there with you all.
Thanks for the Information


Thanks for taking time to explain in detail of your landing process. I am going to finish my landing formalities next week. I have few questions, so please answer.

1) To show proof of funds, US Bank Letter/Statement is enough or do we need to take Certified Checks? I will be showing $10000US$ for both of us. Is that enough(me and my wife).
2) In the List of Items Arriving/Carrying, do we have to mention the price for the items? or can I just mention the name of the items on white paper.
3) For jewelry items, is it compulsory to show the pictures?

I appreciate your answers for above questions. Thanks.
medishetty said:

Thanks for taking time to explain in detail of your landing process. I am going to finish my landing formalities next week. I have few questions, so please answer.

1) To show proof of funds, US Bank Letter/Statement is enough or do we need to take Certified Checks? I will be showing $10000US$ for both of us. Is that enough(me and my wife).
2) In the List of Items Arriving/Carrying, do we have to mention the price for the items? or can I just mention the name of the items on white paper.
3) For jewelry items, is it compulsory to show the pictures?

I appreciate your answers for above questions. Thanks.

Hi Shetty,

1) You need to have Cashier's Check.
2) You need to mention the approximate value of each item with price and total at the end of each page (total for that page)
3) It is always better to have photographs since it will help you while importing the goods at a later stage. Otherwise the duty is so high, you will regret.

Hope this helps

crossing border

Here i have 2 Q:

1. Does India come under finger printing country as mentioned in first post?
2. When we cross US border from here, do we have to take care something or say something?
For Rahul Singh

1) No

2) India isnt but Pakistan and Bangladesh both are. As far as I remember all of the special registration countries are countries with muslim majority population with the only 2 extra ones being Cuba and North Korea.