An Overview Of The Immigration Bill


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TITLE FIVE This title was not modified significantly during the Committee process. It includes provisions:
• Ending the counting of Immediate Relatives of U.S. citizens against the annual cap on family-based immigrants; redistributing immigrant visas among the various family-based preference categories
• Increasing the number of employment-based immigrant visas from 140,000 to 290,000 and redistributing the visas among the various employment-based preference categories (including increasing the number of visas available to “essential workers” from 10,000 to 87,000); and no longer counting spouses and children of employment-based immigrants against the visa limits
• Permitting immigrant visa numbers that go unused because of processing delays to apply to a subsequent fiscal year
• Slightly expanding the per-country limits to help clear out backlogs from countries like Mexico, China, and India

This will be a good relief for everybody.
is this for real??
it will be a big step towards sanity and order in chaos.
any educated confirmations or expert opinions?? if this thing has any chance to pass??

moroni said:
I found this information on

TITLE FIVE This title was not modified significantly during the Committee process. It includes provisions:
• Ending the counting of Immediate Relatives of U.S. citizens against the annual cap on family-based immigrants; redistributing immigrant visas among the various family-based preference categories
• Increasing the number of employment-based immigrant visas from 140,000 to 290,000 and redistributing the visas among the various employment-based preference categories (including increasing the number of visas available to “essential workers” from 10,000 to 87,000); and no longer counting spouses and children of employment-based immigrants against the visa limits
• Permitting immigrant visa numbers that go unused because of processing delays to apply to a subsequent fiscal year
• Slightly expanding the per-country limits to help clear out backlogs from countries like Mexico, China, and India

This will be a good relief for everybody.
I finally got around and read the provisions myself and they look good. Its for real and is gonna be debated. Would it pass is anybody's guess. I have my fingers crossed
sorry that I am not upto d ate like I once used to be, but do you people really think that the House is going to rubberstamp the senate version, which admittedly, is great for all of us, irrepective of category and country, I think it will be a lot more dificult to carry this in the house.