an interesting pattern in Nov approval


Registered Users (C)
I found Nov (2000) cases approved so far were mostly close to the end of the Nov. It seemed that we were approved with a sequence of first-in/last-out for that month. How about the October?
November EB2 vs EB3

As an EB3 INDIA filer I\'ve been searching for EB3 INDIA approvals here and on Immitracker. There have been almost no EB3 INDIA approvals in the last 4-6 weeks, except for ND
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I have seen eight NOV approvals so far on this board. They are distributed all over the month
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I think somebody else also mentioned this earlier. There is no EB3 for India and China during April\'00 to Feb\'01 as the Priority dates moved very slowly.
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I have seen most of the approvals coming from the later part of the month. I have been seeing this pattern for the last few months, with one or two cases as exception. I think VSC will pile up all the cases as and when they are received, so obviously the cases with NDs from the begining of the month will go the bottom and LIFOs.
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According to immitracker there are three cases approved for ND Nov00 in the last two weeks, all of them were NDs > 20, we saw a couple of Nov 00 approvals today and yesterday and they were also from end of Nov.
This theory doesn\'t hold up for me!

Spoke to IIO last yesterday. EB2/RIR/India/ND Nov 28\'00. Status pending. Not yet assigned to Officer. IIO said it could take 2 more months. Any takers?
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just guessing....

let\'s say all nov cases are stacked in one pile when INS receives them, the end of month cases on top. IIO A finishes his alloted cases. He picks up the top 10 cases ranging from nov 20 to nov 30 and starts processing cases. His approvals will range from nov 20 to nov 30. Then IIO B and C are ready for new work. They pick up cases from nov 10 to nov 20 and nov 1 to nov 10. Now you will see a spread of approvals. Giving the pattern we see here - initial few approvals starting from End of Month cases and then random.

Hope it makes sense. But then it is all guess work. For all you know, they might be piling a month\'s cases on a table and then kicking. Which ever falls off of the table are picked up first. Some heavier cases are left on the table burdened below newer cases......