An August approval

There is nothing fake about August approvals

There have been many. Maybe they werent posted on this site.

I have seen a hardcopy orginal August approval.

Dont question every single approval! If people are so damn skeptical and paranoid, nobody will ever post anything.
Why donr you post the details of the hard copy you have ! That will be really helpful !

My friend does not want to give any details on the web.

I have tried to tell her that there is nothing wrong with gving out even a part of EAC. But i have to respect her feelings. All i can tell you is that it was after August 15th.

Sorry but dont blame me.
I probably missed that message. Its great if Aug cases are being approved. I hope they get approved

I\'m surprised...

We have nearly half the July filers on Milk\'s list still awaiting approval and VSC moves to August? Are they in a hurry to meet some kinda deadline? On a more selfish note, it is good that VSC does some parallel processing. However, I\'d rather they spend those resources to complete July filers before moving on.
Nothing to be surprised about...:)

There are March, April and May 2001 cases still waiting approval and not even assigned to officers. It is the Irony of Mismanaged government organization.
buddy that is being selfish! lol

Its not in our hands to decide what they do.

Sometimes there are many other factors that cause distribution of workload to appear as if it is random. May be they have RFE\'s or maybe some people are faster.

I am happy as long as we see approvals.
That\'s true, guys

As you have rightly pointed out, some cases maybe more complicated than others and INS is no doubt disorganized. Perhaps that explains the erratic approval pattern.
As much as I am a non-believer in fate, I cannot but resign to the fact that the matter is absolutely out of my hands once I\'ve sent the papers to INS.