An adopted little girl's GC to citizenship process


Registered Users (C)
I have a question about my friend's little girl (4 years old). She (USC) adopted this little girl four years ago. This girls now a GC holder since 2003. Now she wants to know how she can apply for citizenship.

Based to my knowledge, she has to wait for 5 yrs and apply. But does she has to take a citizenship test? I don't think she is capable of taking this test. Is there any special exemption for kids under certain age.

Please let me know if you have any experience or knowledge in this situation. Thank you in advance.
mikew151 said:
I have a question about my friend's little girl (4 years old). She (USC) adopted this little girl four years ago. This girls now a GC holder since 2003. Now she wants to know how she can apply for citizenship.

Based to my knowledge, she has to wait for 5 yrs and apply. But does she has to take a citizenship test? I don't think she is capable of taking this test. Is there any special exemption for kids under certain age.

Please let me know if you have any experience or knowledge in this situation. Thank you in advance.

You're friend's adopted daughter may already be a U.S citizen by automatic acquisition. You will probably be able to find all the information you need here:

Child Citizenship Act of 2000
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