Am I running out of time?


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I am in the process of getting 212e waiver. I have only the letter from the passport office in India clearing the NORI. Though the NORI has been clear from the other 2 offices, I am yet to recieve the original documents.

a)My question since my J1 Visa expires in March the 20th ,am I running out of time?

b)What must I do to maintain my status here? What options do I have?

c)I am scheduled to be married on the 10th of March. My fiance is a US citizen. Does that help?

d) What is the necessary paper work for a Visa Status change-is this applicable in my case?

Thanks so much.
I think your options are either extending the J or change of status to F or B. I am not sure though!
I612 said:
I think your options are either extending the J or change of status to F or B. I am not sure though!

You can extend J1 whic is up to 5 years now (new rule) or you can change to O1 visa there is premium processing. No J1 wavier is required. You need to have strong CV because you will need to prove as outstanding researcher. However you will have to leave country and come back by stamping. O1 does not have immigration intent. However while O1 stamping you shld NOT disclose that u are applying for J1 wavier and your O1 is to make time.

You need to consult good attorney to file O1, O1 is for 3 years initially.