Am I qualified for EB1A


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I am thinking about filing EB1a. I am still not quite sure if I am qualified because the standard seems very high. My qualifications are as such:

1. News media coverage. My recent project has a lot of coverage from major news such as USA today. But they are about my work and my research team. Many of them talked about my boss and none mentioned my name. I understand the news must be about me. I can ask my boss to say in his letter that I am the critical member of the team and made most important contribution to the work.
2. Author of papers. I have 8 papers although only 2 are first-authored. The good thing is that many other papers cited my work (over 70).
3. scientific contributions. I have two major research discoveries as discussed in my publications, and I have developed algorithm/software/databases that are widely used by scientists all over the world. I can get a few independent references and emails about people who use my work/results.
4. membership. I have biophysical society and Sigma Xi. They require achievements for membership. Signma Xi needs "notworthy achievement" and biophysical society needs outstanding research demonstrated by publications.

Two other concerns are that my highest degree is Master and my job title is computer programmer although I am actually a computational biologist. I am not sure if I should try EB1a at all.

I will appreciate your advices on this.

Would anyone kindly comment on it? Just your thoughts. My profile seems not a typical one for EB1a, right? But EB2 retrogression is stuck forever.
Trying EB1A based on the significant scientific contribution with no PhD may be hard.

NIW may have a much better chance.
You sound marginally qualified, Pick up a good lawyer and you may have a shot. It all depends on the quality of the letters and where you can get them from.... It does make a difference.

I had an MS and didnot show my PhD pursuit....I was able to get Eb1A & NIW approved in 8 months. FYI, i did not have a single journal paper or a single citation, all of mine were conf presentations and abstracts around 50 of them... so it is not a general theory that you need to have everything. presentation and a convincing writeup can get you thru.. demonstrating your work in pure simple english will take you miles.. refer a good lawyer...