Am I Eligible?


New Member
I am running away to the US soon because of many reasons.

I am from the Philippines and my parents are very old-fashioned. They have forced me to study in the top local private university in a course that I cannot bear. My professors talk to me telling me that they see me depressed in class.

My dad is very violent, I have no other choice but to listen to him otherwise he will hurt me as he has done many times.

I cannot run away within the country as our country is very small.

I cannot call the police as they are very corrupt in here and my dad will just pay them to "let it go" and hurt me more once we get home.

I will be 20 this July and I am wondering if I am eligible to be an asylum refugee in the USA?
I dont think being scared of parents qualifies for asylum. You can go to a different part of country and live without your parents knowing. You are an adult.
how about domestic violence? and torture!
even the AIDS patient once got approved, showing lack of treatment in the home country.....
You never know!
even the AIDS patient once got approved, showing lack of treatment in the home country.....

Well... I guess they are approved because of torture not lack of treatment, I heard that AIDS patients are burned till death in some countries !

so burning till death is not same as a father hitting an adult "20 years old", or going to a top university that he doesn't like

effin.ellie you can try but remember that we all had problems with parents one day, so try to solve them, or go to the college that you don't like, graduate and have a good life...
asylum is not about domestic or personal problems, it should be a political problems which threatens your life, someone from gOV persecuting you.
Yup, you do not have to be persecuted by the government, but you have to have evidence that the government tolerates the persecution.
What sort of evidence do I need? =(

The Philippines is very corrupt. The authorities will and always will accept under-the-table money.

and for the advice for me to run within the country is not an sister tried to do it when she was 17 and out of thousands of islands in this country, my father tracks her down and drags her home. She was locked in the bathroom for a month.
Asylum vs Abuse

I am not an expert by any means but I tend to agree with a previous poster that qualification for asylum has to rise to the level of persecution not merely abuse. As for the torture situation,I am not sure that just being forced by your parents to do things against your will rises to the level of torture for the purposes of political asylum either.
LOL the top private university is OK with's being physically forced to take up a course is what's bothering me

are you talking about 1 course in university? 2X LOL :rolleyes:

I am not an expert by any means but....

effin.ellie, look at gayguy for example, he is homosexual, his asylum approved not because his father will hit him for being gay, but he might be killed for that as homosexuality is considered a big sin in a lot of religious countries....

So compare and think about it :cool:
I have question on Asylum application while on H1

I am in New york city and was seeking some attorney in my area. I spoke with couple over the phone. They said YES, I can file perallel to my H1. however, they didn't say that H1 would be put on hold meanwhile. This is new information thanks. Also, few more bad thing I found if you can tell me if it is correct ?

1) Lets say asylum is approved. While I am on asylum and waiting for GreenCard, I cannot go to my country even in case of Emergency or something ???

2) If Asylum is denied, it would look bad when I apply for any other status in future.??
3) The most important --- if denied, would I still be able to extend my H1 in future???

Please reply... Thanks alot.