Am I eligible to receive my green card?


New Member
My name is Mike . I need your help. I have a difficult case. I came in USA with j 1 visa about 4 years ago. I overstayed.
This year I found out I won diversity visa lottery. What you think do I have chance do get my green card? Who have gone through this let me know,please. Thank you.
Get a lawyer!

As far as I know, one requirement for obtaining a green card is a spotless record. You committed a federal offense so chances are, you will not receive your green card and you can be arrested for the offense. Get a lawyer!

My name is Mike . I need your help. I have a difficult case. I came in USA with j 1 visa about 4 years ago. I overstayed.
This year I found out I won diversity visa lottery. What you think do I have chance do get my green card? Who have gone through this let me know,please. Thank you.