Am I Barred


New Member
I know this is going to sound like an odd question but I was told I was barred from the U.S.A. after trying to visit my boyfriend about 3 months ago but lately I have been experiencing a glimmer of probably false hope.

I was held at the border with my parents who were taking me to the Buffalo airport (I am a Canadian Citizen) for over 5 hours. The entire 5 hours undergoing questioning. Basically the same stuff over and over. I had nothing to hide and I just kept answering the same answers again and again. They had my boyfriend on the phone and actually lied about the phone conversation they had with him. Saying that he said things that weren't true. My response was "I don't know why he would say these things because they aren't true". When talking with him later it was all made up to try to trick me I guess.

In the end after a conversation with him, they had told him I would be barred for 5 years. They came out and told me I would be barred for 3 years and explained what would happen if I tried to return and asked me if I understood. I said yes and asked about appealing. She looked at me as if I was out of my mind. She would not give me a reason why I was barred but told me I could return if my boyfriend filed for a petition. She then took my picture and fingerprints me and led me back to my parents where my father was instructed to get the car and pull up alongside the building.

When he did so they came out to the car and gave me a paper which told me the necessary items I would need if I wanted to get cross the border at a later time such as a return ticket, enough cash for my visit, proof of bank account, proof of residence, pay stubs etc. My father unaware at this time that I was barred as we had not had a chance to talk asked if I would be allowed back in to help them with the driving when they visit Florida. (I've helped them with the driving in the past then flown back). Their reply was that would depend on the Custom's Agent.

My passport was not stamped. I was not given any forms such as "Notice to Alien Removed". I can't remember if I signed anything electronically as I was in a bit of a state after the news but I know I did not sign a piece of paper.

My boyfriend suggested filing for "Freedom of Information" to see if I can get the border records.

At this point I want to go back and visit but obviously I do not want to break the law. I have never been charged with a criminal offense or any kind of offense ever!

What exactly are the proceedings when one is barred? Is just telling me and taking my photos and prints all they need to do?

Missing my boyfriend and our cats terribly....
why were you barred? did you overstay or did something in US. I mean they must have given you some reason for entering US. If you don't want to share on this public forum, then pls pm me. I would like to know.