All with RD 5-6/01, and ND 7-9/01 please read. IMPORTANT

Let us extrapolate

I have been observing FP date movements for last two months and I am trying to predict when will our FP date will ariive. I mean, only for those filers with RD May01 and ND Jul01.

With my observation I have come to the conclusion that,

1. FP for EB2 category will take anywhere from 2 to 3 months.(June 02 - July 02).
2. FP for EB3 category will take anywhere from 5 to 6 months.(Sep02-Oct02).
3. Once FP is done the approval will be a breeze, within 1 month.
4. Once PP is stamped the plastic card will take anywhere from 1 to 2 months.

Please add your views so that we can better predict our dates. Many of you have already given thought on this date so please share your thoughts so that we can really arrive at the more accurate date.

May /June 2001?

thanks for adding my info in the angelfire web-site. I wasnt able to post msgs in this site so far.
Any updates from TSC regarding May-2001 filers? thanks
- Vijay
Vijay, does not look like there is anything yet for april and may filers.

Or maybe there is and people are not updating.
any updates guys and ladies