All the people who made fax enquiry...


Registered Users (C)
Can you tell me how you would get a reply/response? Phone, email or fax or nothing at all? And how long would the response take?

Can you also post if your case was pending beyond JIT date when you faxed ?
My case is not beyond Jit. So I send them a fax inquiry.
After three weeks USCIS responds back saying that my
application is outside the JIT so just shut the f**k up.

They do it via a fax number that I provided to them.
No response

140_takes_4ever said:
Oct 2002 filer, CSC din't even bother to touch my case, probably laughed as they shredded the fax! :)

Jan 02 case. I sent 5 fax inquiries. But there was no call, no email, no fax, no response at all for USCIS.
I made a fax enquiry early in May and received a copy of it in the mail last last week where they had written at the bottom that my case had been sent to adjudication and to wait. I also got a touch date which corresponded to the day after it was sent.
Move2002 said:
Jan 02 case. I sent 5 fax inquiries. But there was no call, no email, no fax, no response at all for USCIS.

Wow! No response for Jan 02 case, is bad.... Did your case move afterwards ? Doesn't really matter if they donot repond, as long as they work on the case.
Touch date changed

My wife and I did our finger printing in April 2003 as scheduled. But our online status is still "On March 19, 2003, we mailed a notice requesting that you appear for fingerprint recording.".

I faxed an enquery about this matter on Friday (6/4/2004). I saw the touch date for both our cases changed to 6/8/2004, but the status is still the same. I think they at least looked at my case. I haven't get any response yet. If I do, I will post a messsage.

mango_pickle said:
Can you tell me how you would get a reply/response? Phone, email or fax or nothing at all?

U get a response in sign language... the universal sign for 'number one'

All the people with rececipt dates beyong JIT who sent inquiries are idiots (including myself)!