All my prayers been wasted....Oct VB


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broken immigration
EB3 india back to april 01

only God knows when it crosses my date july 02
or they put Curremt and approve all cases esxept mine in 2008 yr end.
Dont' worry my friend..

broken immigration
EB3 india back to april 01

only God knows when it crosses my date july 02
or they put Curremt and approve all cases esxept mine in 2008 yr end.

Hello Narnia,
You should be okay..I know it has some delay...but, yours is in 2002. So, be patience and wait for 2-3 months...better than seeing 2007 cases getting approvals..
I am not that much lucky to get my case approved
when all my checks are cleared and pending for officer.

All who got approved are the Luckiest fellows.
Please please aprroved guys happen to see this forum please pray for old time filers with no reason still pending...

EB3 india NSC
PD; july 02
RD: dec 04
AD: even GOD cannot predict bcos of this stupid USCIS and DOS
The pd will alternate between current and april 2001 every june to allow them to approve the current cases on lifo basis.

the old timers will be stuck for 25 years waiting for their green cards.

most will have great grand children by that time.

At that time us will become part of mexico so we may have to apply for our renewals in mexico city.
If we do not get the approval in September 2007, then it will be a long wait of 2-3 years for us. The same thing happened in 2005 when dates went back to January 1998 (for EB3 India) and they crawled to this stage after 2 years.

Do not think that these dates move in 2-3 months.
Stupid them

First of all, what were they doing between Jan07 and till now?

My PD is March 2002. Date became current in June.Got scheduled for interview in July and thought evenything will be all over right then and there.. and then come the July 2 fiasco.. IO said, eveything OK, no visa numbers so very sorry. In the meantime saw loads of approval in this forum whose PDs were much later than mine. Even in sept, lots got approved when as per visa bulletin they were not current..

and now this.. Dates go back to Apr 2001.. Afraid that like last year, nothing may move till June and then another fiasco will occur and by next year FPs will expire and loop restart again for namechecks and background checks..

should I just head back now?
Just curious....Wasn't Mar02 current in Jul 07? Im also Mar 02 and this is fuc*&^ng crazy?
As it is Indians are friggin pre-disposed to heart ailments & diabetes.
This is going to make sure that lot of them will start suffering a lot earlier.
Guys/gals no point in stressing....pls take care of your selves.
Its no longer a question of pd, because pd 2001 may be waiting for 25 years as long as these m$%%ch@ds keep doing their out of turn approvals in lifo manner just because it is convenient for them to touch the latest files that are nears their a$S$%h$$oles m$$daR$$ch$$$$0ds
It was and was not

Just curious....Wasn't Mar02 current in Jul 07? Im also Mar 02 and this is fuc*&^ng crazy?
As it is Indians are friggin pre-disposed to heart ailments & diabetes.
This is going to make sure that lot of them will start suffering a lot earlier.
Guys/gals no point in stressing....pls take care of your selves.

It became current as per June Bulletin. In june interview was scheduled for Mid kuly and it was current per July bulletin as well.Then the July bulletin was taken back on July 2nd as the fiasco started as everything was made unavailable. It was re-instated on the date of interview. The IO didnt know that it has been brought back to life. Hence denied me my approval for lack of visa numbers.. Luck cant be worse, can it?
I think eb3 date will move slow as lot of case get approving eb2.thy did not have the numbers for eb3. Oct Visa Bulettin is hopeless.

No HOPE to get in 2010.
mine PD is Oct 2001 EB3 India