All Fake AUgust Approval at


Registered Users (C)

Please don't get fool by all the approval entered yesterday. They were all(most of them) entered fresh and the no. of approval incresed with the no. of entries for Augyest month. Somebody is trying to trick you all. Otherwise they would have posted a messeage at this forum also.

What do you think? I am 100% convinced that somebody played a game with the approval.

Now, see the No. of entries for Auguest month. If you see new approval and the entries are also increased then it might be a fake one unless the guy enter the info at this site also. It's strange that all the 15 guys yesterday updated rupnet but not this site. It should be other way around.

Thanks. This is my first mail and please don't abuse me if you don't agree. this is my theory. Agree or not agree is your judjement.
Do not get paranoid

One of them is mine and that is genuine.

Greaty_k has added it because I did not have my password.

So, your theory may be only partly true.

In fact August approvals are coming is great numbers.

No one is gonna abuse you ( or can they?)

Anyway.. I don't think they were fake approvals. Rupnet Admin entered those approvals besed upon recent approvals from this forum ( rupnet admin assumed that these guys did not update Rupnet web site).

However.. this might cause some duplication of information because people might have updated their info under DIFFERENT NICK NAME.

Whether this mail from whoareyou is real or fake, we will know soon................

Let's analyze if this was indeed the case or not yesterday (no. of approvals =no. of new additions)

Greaty-K, could you please find out?

One way to do that (I think):

a)To find how many cases were listed before the approvals (3XX?). Let's say 305 and 82 approvals
b)After approvals, did they increase by same count or not? Let us say 7 approvals, did the count increase to 312 or 311 (considering Amitabh Kumar as a genuine case)?
Greaty_k added half those new approvals ( you can see that under comment column).

I don't know why such a big fuss about this and why should we bother Greaty-k. There is always plus minus % of error with every poll/survey.

Most of those approvals are genuine ( some might be duplicate because greaty-k added them).. and one or two might be fake.
I agree that we shouldn't make a fuss out of it. But no harm will be done if the administrator can do a quick check on the genuineness of the updates. We are just talking about checking 3-4 cases (granted half were updated by greaty-k). May be a one time exercise.

This will establish the credibilty of and will leave no scope for doubt.

DMA_VA, you are always doubting everybody. What's wrong with you man? Life is good and so enjoy it by the positive attitude. You are always commenting bad to almost everybody (read all your comments at all the treads). So, please be positive in life and enjoy it.

Read this again and let other read it. There is nothing bad written which should tempt you to write another piece about me. It's just an advice and so think about it.

Peace Man.
Excuse me whoareyou,

Please look at the title of this thread that you started.

Though I smell something here (just like most of guys, I am sure), I refrained from saying anything. My sixth sense generally works very good.

I am only requesting the administrator to possibly check the correctness of the cases. We all have big faith in greaty-k and, but if there are any doubting Thomases, we need to do a quick check.

U seemed to have self-doubts, and that's why pleaded not to be abused. I didn't write any piece about you yet (this being your first post as u mentioned!!!!). Why r u afraid of anything? We will know if the approvals on rupnet are fake or not.

I am on this forum for three months now, and I can vouch for the fact that I have tried to be very constructive in my feedbacks and info. at my disposal. My fellow GCwaiters will support me, I am sure. I have no doubt in what I say and try to support my statements with facts (remember Pharmacists' revealation for a person on this forum?)
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I hate to post a message pointing towards someone... but I do not agree with "whoareyou".

dma_va has been very reasonable in almost all of his posts on this board. On the other hand "whoareyou", though having a genuine case about this issue.. need to be little more polite and more mature while posting message.

boy.. this post makes me look like little bitter..I am trying not to.
Forget all this shit started by whoareyou

Appreciate great work by rupnet. If anybody doubt dont visit. but dont comment sitting here. ok

No harm

dma-va is a jerk

dma-va think he is right all the time. he can not take different opinions. what can we expect from jerk like dma-va. looks like he has nothing to do, just sit here and playing like jerk. i am sure he is a laid off soul..
finally habibi has arrived. habibi, if you really want others to consider that your posts are worthwhile.. then you should post messages that have some usefullness.

Posting messages of hatred won't help you . You are putting up a bad example and that doesnt help how others look at your community.
Re: sorry guys

Originally posted by whoareyou
peace with all.

i still support my 1st post. Is there any logic greaty_k.

whoareyou I disagree with you.

when you say some one is updating rupnet and this site is not updated.

If you notice from the 15 approvals in rupnet 11 clearly state that they have been added by rupnet from, which means they are listed here on this site,

I am also sure about that because I have posted my congrats to every one of them, on this forum.

And as far as Dupes are concerned, if people use different Nicks nobody can do anything about it.

greaty_k is doing a real Noble service to the waiters here, and I wish him all the best
sorry for the new thread. that was a reply

which i am pasting again.

July16, please read my posting. I did not blame Grety-k or rupnet. I said that somebody is putting fake approvals just to raise our hopes. I can go to rupnet and enter 50 new entries and rupnet or greaty-k can't do anything.

I am grateful to grety-k for his work and i admire his site. i just said that somebody might be playing games with us.

if all the approvals are true, then it's great because it gives me hope also for my case.

I trust rupet tracking system. It is very good form. It shows very nice tracking system. ...

there will be fake, duplicate , real and non updated entries.
You need to put % on trust. I find lot of real updates on rupnet.
No one is updating Sep entries. IF anyone does fake august entries . I don't care. I know, August is running and approval goes to different RD dates.

If it is 10% real ones in rupnet. I am happy about that system.
But i think, rupnet is 75% real updates. I don't care 25%.

Thanks for reading my view on rupnet.

My friend I didnt mean to rebuke you,

But what I understood from your 1st post is that you said Rupnet was updated and this forum was not. That is what I dont agree with you on.

I pointed out that 11 of 15 are here updated on this site, and you can check the archives, to be even more sure.

I hope that clears your doubts.
thanks July16

this is a useful information.

now, all my doubts are over. Lets hope that we get lucky soon.

good luck to all.
Hi all..

As some people might not be adding their info,Rupnet checks for such users and adds/updates their info from

Before adding a user, Rupnet checks for "Existing nickname" AND all the details like PD,RD,ND,FP etc before adding/updating a user's info keeping in mind that the user could have added his info with some other ID.
Say an approval is posted by user on immigrationportal..

1. If a user exists on rupnet with same ID and all his details match with details on immigrationportal, his info is updated.

2. If user does not exist on rupnet, all existing users with his RD are checked using the "Date Range Tracking and fliter" report. If the details exactly match,means user has entered with different ID and his approval is updated.

3. If the details do not match, a new user is created with same ID as on immigrationportal.

4. Any user with doubted info or insufficient info to confirm is not added.

Also, rupnet adds/updates info for people who contact us by e-mail due to reasons like errors, no access to computer etc or password problem.
Looking at Yesterday's approvals, 12 approved VSC cases are added by rupnet, 2 are updated for their approval(indicated in comments), and one updated for his plastic card info("canihavegc").

There are users who just update their plastic card info(Like"DG" and "canihavegc") and appear in todays approval.
I am working on it so that they show up as different color.

I dont think the other approvals are fake as five Aug 01 filers in my company alone got approved and a friend got RFE.
Any other doubts ,pl. contact me