All done on May 22 North Texas Oath Ceremony


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Thanks for everything folks, we left for a trip right after the ceremony hence the delay in the post, here goes....

1. Very well organized 621 people naturalized, 61 countries represented, most citizens were from Mexico (50%)
2. No one was turned away the Officers reviewed the letter while we were in line and the guy in front of me had his interview 2 years ago and travelled multiple time to mexico, but the officer just glossed over his letter and signed it. Elderly lady in next Q didnt fill out her Oath letter Qs and the Officer didnt speak her language but nonethless signed the letter wiht a smile
Once inside we surrrendered the Green card to Officers behind desks who again were very courteous and asked no questions.
3. Inside auditorium reps seated us and collected the Oath letter after noting our seating and told us not to leave that seat.
4. MC asked has everyone surrendered GC and actually 2 guys got up to surrender theirs.
5. Prompltly at 11:00 am All 61 countries were announced alphabet order and their citizens stood up when their country was called out. National Anthem, Followed by Welcome speech by judge, Pledge of Alligiance to Flag (by a Nat citizen) then the Oath of Allegiance and the Judge says "Welcome Home".
Short taped message by W, then America the Beautiful. Done in under the Hour. Before exiting the reps handed out the Nat certi.
6. Snacks and drinks by University of Texas outside the Auditorium. Where the officers chatted us up took our pictures etc, live interview by Television crew ie a real PR for USCIS
7 Note: there was no one from Passport office at the ceremony. All in all an excellent ceremony and we saw a face of the USCIS we never expected they treated us like well I guess because we were now US citizens. IF you get your oath letter you are through because they are not going to ask any more questions.
thanks guys