All company name change cases who recd rfe after june 19 and responded pl read


Registered Users (C)
I am trying to get an idea on how much longer will the wait be after responding
It would be good if everyone in the above club posts their details

Our details

rfe generated on june 26
recd on July 13
responded July 24

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Hi Shradha,
    Here is my details :

        ND : Sep 15, 1999
        FP : Aug 2000
        RFE ND : July 11th
        RFE Received : July 16th
        RFE replied : July 24th
        RFE : Employment letter

       Company name change case.
General Question...

How does INS come to know that your company name has changed?

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Hi Mogaram. Thanks for posting
One person on this board Igtegc has got his approval
within 2 weeks of responding

BTW it seems a lot a lot of people respnded to their rfe\'s
last week
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My RFE was mailed on &/16/2001 (don\'t know when it was generated)
Received on 7/23/2001
Replied on 7/25/2001
Rfe for Employment letter

Company name change case
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Hi Abhi7,
    Most of the company name cases have their name of the company different in I-40 and I-485. Otherwise INS comes to know if they send out RFE for employment letter.

    Hi Shradha,
           Having waited patiently and nervously for 4 or 5 years, we will wait another a few more weeks (hopefully 2 or 3 weeks more).

      Wish you all good luck.
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Shraddha, My details: IGATE EB3 PD 4/97 485 RD 8/99 ND 9/99 FP 8/00. Amended I140 ND 4/18/1. Not approved. AVM says RFE mailed on 7/18/1. Company has not received RFE so far.