Alert: Immigration Caucus in Congress


Registered Users (C)
If you need confirmation of what we are up against in the Congress, check the Immigration Caucus in the Congress with 100 odd members in its ranks..and chaired by..who else but our good old friend Tom Tancredo. To give you an idea, check this link and see if your Congressman is a member:

I recently got a letter from my Congressman (who is a member of this Caucus by the way) in reply to my faxes etc. for retrogression relief, that he is against any increase of immigration numbers.

It is true that retrogression relief has passed the Senate but by no means is a law or about to become a law..contrary to what a lot of people here have posted or what their lawyers might have them believe.
Bottom line, don't count your chickens before they are hatched. Just get on with life and do your bit to help end retrogression.
Contact High-Tech Working Group

If the Senate High-tech committee was at least partially responsible for the failure of Senator Byr'ds amendment, we can't do better than contact the House High-tech committee (do the Republicans and Democrats have seperate ones?)

Rep Bob Goodlatte is Chairman of the House Republican High-Tech Working Group and serves on the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims.

A Virginian may need to contact him..and see if there is an amendment planned to bring the House Bill in line with the Senate Bill.

Bob Goodlatte's Washington, DC Office:
2240 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5431
(202) 225-9681 fax
Explain that we need increase in visa numbers for EB people waiting since 1998

I will be calling the Tancredo office again and explain that we are talking about an increase to provide relief for people who was in the queue already - some since 1998. At the end if they approve the one-time EB recapture, I will be very happy. I knew that the caucus suggested more manageable immigration numbers (about 300K/year) not more. I think it will be really tough implementing something permanent like not counting dependents.

GCin-waitng said:
If the Senate High-tech committee was at least partially responsible for the failure of Senator Byr'ds amendment, we can't do better than contact the House High-tech committee (do the Republicans and Democrats have seperate ones?)

Rep Bob Goodlatte is Chairman of the House Republican High-Tech Working Group and serves on the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims.

A Virginian may need to contact him..and see if there is an amendment planned to bring the House Bill in line with the Senate Bill.

Bob Goodlatte's Washington, DC Office:
2240 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5431
(202) 225-9681 fax
S. 1932 - recapture of visas

Tell your congressman/senator that S. 1932 does not increase visa numbers but allow to recapture visas which were authorized in past by congress but never used (because of ineffiency of DOL/USCIS).
ppk_walther..........are you really in india.....we feel sorry for you man.....i almost ended up in simialar situation...but somehow managed to come back to this land of opportunity....

i have one request, please leave us alone, we are trying to use our energy and time for getting our GC.