Air Travel in Pregnancy - Need Advice


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Hello Friends,

I need some advice from experts and experienced people around.
I need to travel to UK/Germany for a short visit by the end of May. My wife is currently about 2 months pregnant so by the end of May she will be at around 4 months. We will be travelling on AP (1st). I want to know

- Will there be any problem of any kind while travelling by air international (Airlines/Immigration/Airport) ?
- Any airlines/immi related rules regulation regarding this condition ? I know airlines donot allow if pregnancy is in advanced stages (7months & up ?)

I will appreciate any opinions, guidance or shring of exerience from you.

There should not be any problem. Some airlines don't allow travel after 35 weeks.
It should be fine

4th month should be the perfect time to fly. 1st trimester and 3rd trimeseter - flying is not recommended. 2nd trimester is the best time to fly (your wife would be over the morning sickness etc. and hsould be in good spirits around that time, and it would not be close the the due date that you have to worry about an early dilevery).

Me and my wife, we ourselves travelled when she was about 7 months. Things went fine.

This link should give you more information:-

Airlines have different restrictions regarding this, call your airline and ask them what their regulations are. Usually at 4th month, they do not care, later (8-9th month) they ask for a letter from the doctor.

Have Fun!
There should be no problem in travelling during pregnancy, we travelled to india when my wife was 5 month pregnant, there was no problem atall